50#include <lal/graphs/rooted_tree.hpp>
51#include <lal/generate/all_lab_free_trees.hpp>
52#include <lal/generate/tree_generator.hpp>
Base class for tree generators.
Definition tree_generator.hpp:87
tree_type_t get_tree() noexcept
Retrieve the generated tree.
Definition tree_generator.hpp:146
void deactivate_all_postprocessing_actions() noexcept
Deactivates all postprocessing actions.
Definition tree_generator.hpp:204
void activate_all_postprocessing_actions() noexcept
Definition tree_generator.hpp:192
const uint32_t m_n
Definition tree_generator.hpp:245
Exhaustive enumeration of labelled free trees.
Definition all_lab_free_trees.hpp:99
bool end() const noexcept
Returns true if the end of the iteration was reached.
Definition all_lab_free_trees.hpp:126
void reset() noexcept
Sets the generator to its initial state.
Definition all_lab_free_trees.hpp:140
void next() noexcept
Generates next tree.
Exhaustive enumeration of labelled rooted trees.
Definition all_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:102
graphs::rooted_tree yield_tree() noexcept
Yields a tree, advancing the generator if necessary.
Definition all_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:174
void next() noexcept
Generates next tree.
Definition all_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:145
all_lab_free_trees m_gen_lab_free_tree
Labelled free tree generator.
Definition all_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:207
bool m_reached_end
Has the end of the generation been reached?
Definition all_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:213
void reset() noexcept
Sets the generator to its initial state.
Definition all_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:163
node m_cur_root
Current root.
Definition all_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:211
bool end() const noexcept
Returns true if the end of the iteration was reached.
Definition all_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:134
graphs::rooted_tree __get_tree() noexcept
Constructs the current tree.
Definition all_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:187
bool has_next() const noexcept
Returns whether there are more trees to generate.
Definition all_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:170
Default destructor.
all_lab_rooted_trees(uint32_t n) noexcept
Constructor with number of nodes.
Definition all_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:110
all_lab_rooted_trees(const all_lab_rooted_trees &Gen)=default
Copy constructor.
graphs::free_tree m_cur_ftree
Current labelled free tree.
Definition all_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:209
all_lab_rooted_trees(all_lab_rooted_trees &&Gen)=default
Move constructor.
void __reset() noexcept
Sets the iterator to its initial state.
Definition all_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:195
Free tree graph class.
Definition free_tree.hpp:59
Rooted tree graph class.
Definition rooted_tree.hpp:107
Main namespace of the library.
Definition definitions.hpp:48
uint32_t node
Node type.
Definition definitions.hpp:51