LAL: Linear Arrangement Library 21.07.01
A library focused on algorithms on linear arrangements of graphs.
▼Nlal | Main namespace of the library |
▼Ngenerate | Generation of different classes of objects |
C_rand_lab_free_trees | Uniformly random generation of labelled free trees |
C_rand_lab_rooted_trees | Uniformly random generation of labelled rooted trees |
C_rand_ulab_free_trees | Uniformly random generation of unlabelled free trees |
C_rand_ulab_rooted_trees | Uniformly random generation of unlabelled rooted trees |
C_tree_generator | Base class for tree generators |
Call_arrangements | Exhaustive enumeration of arrangements of any graph |
Call_lab_free_trees | Exhaustive enumeration of labelled free trees |
Call_lab_rooted_trees | Exhaustive enumeration of labelled rooted trees |
Call_planar_arrangements | Exhaustive enumeration of planar arrangements of a labeled free tree |
Call_projective_arrangements | Exhaustive enumeration of projective arrangements of a labeled rooted tree |
Call_ulab_free_trees | Exhaustive enumeration of unlabelled free trees |
Call_ulab_rooted_trees | Exhaustive enumeration of unlabelled rooted trees |
Cexhaustive_random_type | Shorthand to get one of exhaustive_t or random_t |
Cexhaustive_t | Type for exhasutive enumeration of trees |
Clabelled_t | Type for labelled tree generation |
Clabelled_unlabelled_type | Shorthand to get one of labelled_t or unlabelled_t |
Crand_arrangements | Random generation of arrangements of any graph |
Crand_lab_free_trees | Uniformly random generation of labelled free trees |
Crand_lab_rooted_trees | Uniformly random generation of labelled rooted trees |
Crand_planar_arrangements | Uniformly random generation of planar arrangements of a labeled rooted tree |
Crand_projective_arrangements | Uniformly random generation of projective arrangements of a labeled rooted tree |
Crand_ulab_free_trees | Uniformly random generation of unlabelled free trees |
Crand_ulab_rooted_trees | Uniformly random generation of unlabelled rooted trees |
Crandom_t | Type for random generation of trees |
Ctree_generator_type | Automatic tree generator type generator |
Cunlabelled_t | Type for unlabelled tree generation |
▼Ngraphs | Namespace for the graphs data structures |
Cdirected_graph | Directed graph class |
Cfree_tree | Free tree graph class |
Cgraph | Abstract class for graphs |
Crooted_tree | Rooted tree graph class |
Ctree | Tree graph class |
Cundirected_graph | Undirected graph class |
▼Nio | Input/Output functions and processing of treebanks |
C_process_treebank_base | The processor base class |
Creport_treebank_collection | Report on a treebank collection |
Creport_treebank_file | Report on a treebank file |
Ctreebank_collection_processor | Automatic processing of treebank collections |
Ctreebank_collection_reader | A reader for a collection of treebanks |
Ctreebank_error | Treebank error report class |
Ctreebank_processor | Automatic processing of treebank files |
Ctreebank_reader | A reader for a single treebank file |
▼Niterators | Iterators namespace |
CE_iterator | Iterator over the set of edges of a graph |
CQ_iterator | Iterator over the set of pairs of independent edges of a graph |
▼Nlinarr | Namespace for all linear-arrangement-dependent algorithms |
Cdependency_flux | Dependency flux |
▼Nnumeric | Numeric namespace |
Cinteger | Arbitrary precision integer |
Crational | Exact rational number |