47#include <lal/numeric/rational.hpp>
48#include <lal/graphs/undirected_graph.hpp>
49#include <lal/graphs/directed_graph.hpp>
50#include <lal/graphs/free_tree.hpp>
51#include <lal/graphs/rooted_tree.hpp>
Directed graph class.
Definition directed_graph.hpp:68
Free tree graph class.
Definition free_tree.hpp:59
Rooted tree graph class.
Definition rooted_tree.hpp:107
Undirected graph class.
Definition undirected_graph.hpp:67
Exact rational number.
Definition rational.hpp:63
double moment_degree_out(const graphs::directed_graph &g, uint32_t p) noexcept
Computes the -th moment of out-degree about zero of a directed graph as a floating point value.
numeric::rational hubiness_rational(const graphs::free_tree &t) noexcept
Computes the hubiness coefficient as an exact rational number.
double moment_degree_in(const graphs::directed_graph &g, uint32_t p) noexcept
Computes the -th moment of in-degree about zero of a directed graph as a floating point value.
numeric::rational moment_degree_out_rational(const graphs::directed_graph &g, uint32_t p) noexcept
Computes the -th moment of out-degree about zero of a directed graph as an exact rational value.
numeric::rational moment_degree_rational(const graphs::undirected_graph &g, uint32_t p) noexcept
Computes the -th moment of degree about zero of a graph as an exact rational value.
numeric::rational moment_degree_in_rational(const graphs::directed_graph &g, uint32_t p) noexcept
Computes the -th moment of in-degree about zero of a directed graph as an exact rational value.
double hubiness(const graphs::free_tree &t) noexcept
Computes the hubiness coefficient as a floating point value.
double moment_degree(const graphs::undirected_graph &g, uint32_t p) noexcept
Computes the -th moment of degree about zero of a directed graph as a floating point value.
Main namespace of the library.
Definition definitions.hpp:48