48#include <lal/graphs/rooted_tree.hpp>
49#include <lal/generate/rand_lab_free_trees.hpp>
111 void init(uint64_t n, uint64_t seed = 0) noexcept {
196 void init(uint64_t n, uint64_t seed = 0) noexcept {
Uniformly random generation of labelled free trees.
Definition: rand_lab_free_trees.hpp:68
graphs::free_tree get_tree() noexcept
Returns a labelled free tree chosen uniformly at random.
void clear() noexcept
Clears the memory used.
Definition: rand_lab_free_trees.hpp:133
std::uniform_int_distribution< uint64_t > m_unif
Distribution of the numbers.
Definition: rand_lab_free_trees.hpp:149
void init(uint64_t n, uint64_t seed=0) noexcept
Initializes the generator with the number of nodes and a seed.
Definition: rand_lab_free_trees.hpp:115
std::mt19937 m_gen
Random number generator.
Definition: rand_lab_free_trees.hpp:147
Uniformly random generation of labelled rooted trees.
Definition: rand_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:67
_rand_lab_rooted_trees(uint64_t n, uint64_t seed=0) noexcept
Constructor with size of tree and seed for the random number generator.
Definition: rand_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:81
_rand_lab_rooted_trees() noexcept
Empty constructor.
Definition: rand_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:72
void init(uint64_t n, uint64_t seed=0) noexcept
Initializes the generator with the number of nodes and a seed.
Definition: rand_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:111
_rand_lab_rooted_trees(_rand_lab_rooted_trees &&Gen)=default
Move constructor.
Default destructor.
_rand_lab_rooted_trees & operator=(const _rand_lab_rooted_trees &g) noexcept=default
Copy assignment operator.
graphs::rooted_tree get_tree() noexcept
Generates uniformly at random a labelled rooted tree.
Definition: rand_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:122
_rand_lab_rooted_trees(const _rand_lab_rooted_trees &Gen)=default
Copy constructor.
Base class for tree generators.
Definition: tree_generator.hpp:123
void init(uint64_t n) noexcept
Initializes the tree generator.
Definition: tree_generator.hpp:159
void clear() noexcept
Clears the memory used by the generator.
Definition: tree_generator.hpp:165
graphs::rooted_tree get_tree() noexcept
Retrieve the generated tree.
Definition: tree_generator.hpp:195
Uniformly random generation of labelled rooted trees.
Definition: rand_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:153
rand_lab_rooted_trees(const rand_lab_rooted_trees &Gen)=default
Copy constructor.
rand_lab_rooted_trees(rand_lab_rooted_trees &&Gen)=default
Move constructor.
void init(uint64_t n, uint64_t seed=0) noexcept
Initializes the generator with the number of nodes and a seed.
Definition: rand_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:196
Default destructor.
rand_lab_rooted_trees & operator=(const rand_lab_rooted_trees &g) noexcept=default
Copy assignment operator.
rand_lab_rooted_trees() noexcept
Empty constructor.
Definition: rand_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:158
void clear() noexcept
Clear the memory used by the generator.
Definition: rand_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:202
graphs::rooted_tree yield_tree() noexcept
Yields a tree, advancing the generator if necessary.
Definition: rand_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:207
rand_lab_rooted_trees(uint64_t n, uint64_t seed=0) noexcept
Constructor with size of tree and seed for the random number generator.
Definition: rand_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:168
_rand_lab_rooted_trees m_Gen
See _rand_lab_rooted_trees for details.
Definition: rand_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:222
graphs::rooted_tree __get_tree() noexcept
Returns a labelled rooted tree chosen uniformly at random.
Definition: rand_lab_rooted_trees.hpp:218
Free tree graph class.
Definition: free_tree.hpp:60
Rooted tree graph class.
Definition: rooted_tree.hpp:103
Main namespace of the library.
Definition: basic_types.hpp:50
uint64_t node
Node type. See Node / Vertex page for further details.
Definition: basic_types.hpp:53