LAL: Linear Arrangement Library 24.10.00
A library focused on algorithms on linear arrangements of graphs.
This is the complete list of members for lal::graphs::tree, including all inherited members.
__add_node() noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inlineprotected |
__disjoint_union(const graph &g) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | protected |
_clear() noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inlineprotectedvirtual |
_init(const uint64_t n) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inlineprotectedvirtual |
actions_after_add_edge(const node u, const node v) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | protectedvirtual |
actions_after_add_edges(const edge_list &e) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | protectedvirtual |
actions_after_add_edges_bulk() noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | protectedvirtual |
actions_after_remove_edge(const node u, const node v) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | protectedvirtual |
actions_after_remove_edges(const edge_list &e) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | protectedvirtual |
actions_after_remove_edges_bulk() noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | protectedvirtual |
actions_after_remove_node(const node u) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | protectedvirtual |
actions_before_remove_edges_incident_to(const node u) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | protectedvirtual |
are_nodes_in_same_component(const node u, const node v) const noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inline |
calculate_tree_type() noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::tree | pure virtual |
can_add_edge(node const s, const node t) const noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | virtual |
can_add_edges(const std::vector< edge > &edges) const noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | virtual |
check_normalized() noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | virtual |
clear() noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | virtual |
copy_full_graph(const graph &g) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inlineprotected |
empty_union_find() noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inlineprotected |
fill_union_find() noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inlineprotected |
finish_bulk_add(const bool norm=true, const bool check=true) noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::graph | pure virtual |
finish_bulk_add_complete(const bool norm=true, const bool check=true) noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::tree | pure virtual |
finish_bulk_remove(const bool norm=true, const bool check=true) noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::graph | pure virtual |
finish_bulk_remove_complete(const bool norm=true, const bool check=true) noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::tree | pure virtual |
get_component_representative(const node u) const noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inline |
get_edges() const noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::graph | pure virtual |
get_num_edges() const noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inline |
get_num_nodes() const noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inline |
get_num_nodes_component(const node u) const noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inline |
get_Q() const noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::graph | pure virtual |
get_tree_type_list() const noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | |
graph() noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inline |
graph(const uint64_t n) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inline |
graph(const graph &g) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inline |
graph(graph &&g) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inline |
has_edge(const node u, const node v) const =0 | lal::graphs::graph | pure virtual |
has_node(const node u) const noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inline |
init(const uint64_t n) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | virtual |
is_directed() const noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::graph | pure virtual |
is_normalized() const noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inline |
is_of_tree_type(const tree_type &tt) const noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inline |
is_rooted() const noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::tree | pure virtual |
is_tree() const noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inline |
is_tree_type_valid() const noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inline |
is_undirected() const noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::graph | pure virtual |
m_adjacency_list | lal::graphs::graph | protected |
m_is_normalized | lal::graphs::graph | protected |
m_is_tree_type_valid | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
m_num_edges | lal::graphs::graph | protected |
m_tree_type | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
m_union_find__root_of | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
m_union_find__root_size | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
move_full_graph(graph &&g) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inlineprotected |
normalize() noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | virtual |
normalize_after_edge_addition(const bool norm, const bool check) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | protected |
normalize_after_edge_removal(const bool norm, const bool check) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | protected |
operator=(const tree &t) noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inline |
operator=(tree &&t) noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inline |
lal::graphs::graph::operator=(const graph &g) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inline |
lal::graphs::graph::operator=(graph &&g) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inline |
set_normalized(const bool v=true) noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inline |
tree() noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inline |
tree(const tree &t) noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inline |
tree(tree &&t) noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inline |
tree_only_actions_after_add_edge(const node u, const node v) noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
tree_only_actions_after_add_edges(const edge_list &e) noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
tree_only_actions_after_add_edges_bulk() noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
tree_only_actions_after_add_edges_bulk_complete() noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
tree_only_actions_after_remove_edge(const node u, const node v) noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
tree_only_actions_after_remove_edges(const edge_list &e) noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
tree_only_actions_after_remove_edges_bulk() noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
tree_only_actions_after_remove_edges_bulk_complete() noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
tree_only_actions_after_remove_node(const node u) noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
tree_only_actions_before_remove_edges_incident_to(const node u) noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
tree_only_add_node() noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inlineprotected |
tree_only_clear() noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inlineprotected |
tree_only_copy(const tree &t) noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inlineprotected |
tree_only_init(const uint64_t n) noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inlineprotected |
tree_only_invalidate() noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inlineprotected |
tree_only_move(tree &&t) noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inlineprotected |
tree_only_remove_node(const node u) noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
tree_only_set_edges() noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | protected |
update_union_find_after_add_edge(const node u, const node v, uint64_t *const root_of, uint64_t *const root_size) const noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::tree | protectedpure virtual |
update_union_find_after_add_edges(const edge_list &edges, uint64_t *const root_of, uint64_t *const root_size) const noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::tree | protectedpure virtual |
update_union_find_after_add_edges_bulk(uint64_t *const root_of, uint64_t *const root_size) const noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::tree | protectedpure virtual |
update_union_find_after_remove_edge(const node u, const node v, uint64_t *const root_of, uint64_t *const root_size) const noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::tree | protectedpure virtual |
update_union_find_after_remove_edges(const edge_list &edges, uint64_t *const root_of, uint64_t *const root_size) const noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::tree | protectedpure virtual |
update_union_find_after_remove_edges_bulk(uint64_t *const root_of, uint64_t *const root_size) const noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::tree | protectedpure virtual |
update_union_find_before_remove_incident_edges_to(const node u, uint64_t *const root_of, uint64_t *const root_size) const noexcept=0 | lal::graphs::tree | protectedpure virtual |
~graph() noexcept | lal::graphs::graph | inlinevirtual |
~tree() noexcept | lal::graphs::tree | inlinevirtual |