LAL: Linear Arrangement Library 23.01.00
A library focused on algorithms on linear arrangements of graphs.
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lal::detail::DMax::planar Namespace Reference

In planar arrangements. More...


struct  edge_size_sigma
 A tuple used to construct the sorted adjacency list. More...
struct  sorted_adjacency_list_info
 A piece of information within u's list. More...


typedef std::vector< std::vector< sorted_adjacency_list_info > > sorted_adjacency_list
 Useful shorthand for a sorted adjacency list.


enum class  return_type_all_maxs { DMax_value_vertex_and_max_root , DMax_value_vertex , max_root }
 All return types as enumeration values. More...


sorted_adjacency_list make_sorted_adjacency_list (const graphs::free_tree &t) noexcept
 Construct the for every vertex in the tree. . More...
template<return_type_all_maxs res_type>
conditional_list_t< bool_sequence< res_type==return_type_all_maxs::DMax_value_vertex_and_max_root, res_type==return_type_all_maxs::DMax_value_vertex, res_type==return_type_all_maxs::max_root >, type_sequence< std::pair< std::vector< uint64_t >, uint64_t >, std::vector< uint64_t >, uint64_t > > all_max_sum_lengths_values (const graphs::free_tree &t) noexcept
 Maximum planar arrangement of a free tree. More...
template<bool make_arrangement>
std::conditional_t< make_arrangement, std::pair< uint64_t, linear_arrangement >, uint64_t > AEF (const graphs::free_tree &t) noexcept
 Maximum planar arrangement of a free tree. More...

Detailed Description

In planar arrangements.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ return_type_all_maxs

All return types as enumeration values.

For function all_max_sum_lengths_values.


Return both the set of max projective values at every vertex and the vertex that maximizes the maximum projective.


Return only the max projective values for every vertex of the tree.


Return only a vertex that maximizes the maximum projective.

Function Documentation

◆ AEF()

template<bool make_arrangement>
std::conditional_t< make_arrangement, std::pair< uint64_t, linear_arrangement >, uint64_t > lal::detail::DMax::planar::AEF ( const graphs::free_tree t)

Maximum planar arrangement of a free tree.

This algorithm calculates the maximum sum of edge lengths on every vertex and keeps track of the maximum. The calculation of DMax on every vertex is done in \(O(n)\) thanks to the adjacency list calculated by function make_sorted_adjacency_list.

This function calls all_max_sum_lengths_values, which implements the algorithm described in [6].

Template Parameters
make_arrangementConstruct a maximum arrangement.
tInput tree.
A pair of cost and maximum linear arrangement.

◆ all_max_sum_lengths_values()

template<return_type_all_maxs res_type>
conditional_list_t< bool_sequence< res_type==return_type_all_maxs::DMax_value_vertex_and_max_root, res_type==return_type_all_maxs::DMax_value_vertex, res_type==return_type_all_maxs::max_root >, type_sequence< std::pair< std::vector< uint64_t >, uint64_t >, std::vector< uint64_t >, uint64_t > > lal::detail::DMax::planar::all_max_sum_lengths_values ( const graphs::free_tree t)

Maximum planar arrangement of a free tree.

This algorithm calculates the maximum sum of edge lengths on every vertex and keeps track of the maximum. The calculation of the maximum sum of edge lengths on every vertex is done in \(O(n)\) thanks to the adjacency list calculated by function make_sorted_adjacency_list.

This function implements the algorithm in [6].

Template Parameters
res_typeThe type of result to return. See return_type_all_maxs for details.
tInput tree.
Depending of the value of res_type, a list of values, a p

◆ make_sorted_adjacency_list()

sorted_adjacency_list lal::detail::DMax::planar::make_sorted_adjacency_list ( const graphs::free_tree t)

Construct the for every vertex in the tree. .

Sorted adjacency list needed to calculate the maximum sum of edge legnths.

This adjacency list is needed in function all_max_sum_lengths_values.

tInput free tree.
The appropriate sorted adjacency list.