LAL: Linear Arrangement Library 23.01.00
A library focused on algorithms on linear arrangements of graphs.
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lal::utilities Namespace Reference

Set of utilities. More...


template<typename result_t , bool second_set_empty, typename iterator_first_t , typename iterator_second_t , class metric , class accumulate_Q , class accumulate_R , class make_average_Q , class make_average_R , class make_average >
result_t one_level_aggregation (iterator_first_t bfirst, const iterator_first_t efirst, iterator_second_t bsecond, const iterator_second_t esecond, metric values, accumulate_Q accQ, accumulate_R accR, make_average_Q avgQ, make_average_R avgR, make_average avg) noexcept
 Computation of 1-level aggregation of \(Q\) and \(R\). More...
template<typename result_t , bool second_set_empty, typename iterator_first_t , typename iterator_second_t , class metric , class combine , class accumulate , class make_average >
result_t two_level_aggregation (iterator_first_t bfirst, const iterator_first_t efirst, iterator_second_t bsecond, const iterator_second_t esecond, metric values, combine comb_values, accumulate acc_values, make_average avg) noexcept
 Computation of 2-level aggregation of \(Q\) and \(R\). More...
bool are_trees_isomorphic (const graphs::rooted_tree &t1, const graphs::rooted_tree &t2) noexcept
 Isomorphism test for unlabelled rooted trees. More...
bool are_trees_isomorphic (const graphs::free_tree &t1, const graphs::free_tree &t2) noexcept
 Isomorphism test for unlabelled free trees. More...

Detailed Description

Set of utilities.

This namespace contains several utilities for the library, useful for experimentation. This includes the following functions:

Function Documentation

◆ are_trees_isomorphic() [1/2]

bool lal::utilities::are_trees_isomorphic ( const graphs::free_tree t1,
const graphs::free_tree t2 

Isomorphism test for unlabelled free trees.

See Isomorphism of trees for a short definition of what tree isomorphism is.

The algorithm implemented in this function can be found in [1].

t1Input free tree.
t2Input free tree.
Whether or not the input trees are isomorphic.
Both input trees are valid free trees (see lal::graphs::free_tree::is_tree).

◆ are_trees_isomorphic() [2/2]

bool lal::utilities::are_trees_isomorphic ( const graphs::rooted_tree t1,
const graphs::rooted_tree t2 

Isomorphism test for unlabelled rooted trees.

See Isomorphism of trees for a short definition of what tree isomorphism is.

The algorithm implemented in this function can be found in [1].

t1Input rooted tree.
t2Input rooted tree.
Whether or not the input trees are isomorphic or not.
Both input trees are valid rooted trees (see lal::graphs::rooted_tree::is_rooted_tree).

◆ one_level_aggregation()

template<typename result_t , bool second_set_empty, typename iterator_first_t , typename iterator_second_t , class metric , class accumulate_Q , class accumulate_R , class make_average_Q , class make_average_R , class make_average >
result_t lal::utilities::one_level_aggregation ( iterator_first_t  bfirst,
const iterator_first_t  efirst,
iterator_second_t  bsecond,
const iterator_second_t  esecond,
metric  values,
accumulate_Q  accQ,
accumulate_R  accR,
make_average_Q  avgQ,
make_average_R  avgR,
make_average  avg 

Computation of 1-level aggregation of \(Q\) and \(R\).


  • a list of \(n\) values \(Q_i\) and \(n\) values \(R_i\) (produced by the function values),
  • an 'accumulator' operator \(\oplus\) for \(Q_i\) (parameter accQ),
  • an 'accumulator' operator \(\otimes\) for \(R_i\) (parameter accR),
  • a \(Q\)-average function \(F_Q\) (parameter avgQ),
  • a \(R\)-average function \(F_R\) (parameter avgR),
  • and a combination operator \(\odot\) (parameter avg),

this function computes the following average

\(A_1(Q,R) = \left( F_Q\left( \bigoplus_{i=1}^n Q_i \right) \right) \odot \left( F_R\left( \bigotimes_{i=1}^n R_i \right) \right)\)

The values \(Q_i\) and \(R_i\) are obtained from applying function QR passed as parameter. This function iterates over two sets of elements, where the second is optional and may be empty; this must be known at compile time through the template parameter second_set_empty. These sets are passed with iterators (parameters bfirst, efirst, bsecond, esecond).

If the second set is empty then function QR only has one parameter of the same type as the values in the first set. If the second set is not empty then QR has two parameters: the first parameter is of the same type as the elements in the first set, and the second parameter is of the same type as the elements in the second set. In the latter case, QR is called with the i-th element in the first set and the i-th element in the second set.

The function that average the values \(Q_i\), function avgQ, (resp. \(R_i\), function avgR) has two parameters: the summation of the values \(Q_i\) (resp. \(R_i\)) and the total amount of values.

See the implementation of function lal::linarr::mean_dependency_distance_1level_rational and its documentation for an example of usage of this function.

Template Parameters
result_tThe type of the result of this function.
second_set_emptyIs the second set of elements empty?
iterator_first_tIterator type.
iterator_second_tIterator type.
metricFunction type.
accumulate_QFunction type.
accumulate_RFunction type.
make_average_QFunction type.
make_average_RFunction type.
make_averageFunction type.
bfirstIterator at the beginning of the first set.
efirstIterator at the end of the first set.
bsecondIterator at the beginning of the second set.
esecondIterator at the end of the second set.
valuesFunction to calculate the values \(Q_i,R_i\) called with the \(i\)-th element in the first set only (if second_set_empty is true) or called with the \(i\)-th elements in the first and second sets (if second_set_empty is false). Implements \(\odot\).
accQOperator \(\oplus\). A function that accumulates the values \(Q_i\). It has two parameters: the total accumulated value (passed by reference), and the value to be accumulated.
accROperator \(\otimes\). A function that accumulates the values \(R_i\). It has two parameters: the total accumulated value (passed by reference), and the value to be accumulated.
avgQFunction \(F_Q\) that averages the values \(Q_i\). It has two parameters: the accumulation of the values \(Q_i\) and the total amount of values.
avgRFunction \(F_R\) that averages the values \(R_i\). It has two parameters: the accumulation of the values \(R_i\) and the total amount of values.
avgOperator \(\odot\). A function that is passed the result of \(F_Q\) and \(F_R\).
If the second set of elements is empty then second_set_empty must be true. It must be false otherwise.

◆ two_level_aggregation()

template<typename result_t , bool second_set_empty, typename iterator_first_t , typename iterator_second_t , class metric , class combine , class accumulate , class make_average >
result_t lal::utilities::two_level_aggregation ( iterator_first_t  bfirst,
const iterator_first_t  efirst,
iterator_second_t  bsecond,
const iterator_second_t  esecond,
metric  values,
combine  comb_values,
accumulate  acc_values,
make_average  avg 

Computation of 2-level aggregation of \(Q\) and \(R\).


  • a list of \(n\) values \(Q_i\) and \(n\) values \(R_i\) (produced by the function values),
  • and a combination operator \(\oplus\) to operator two values \(Q_i\) and \(R_i\) (parameter comb_values),
  • an 'accumulator' operator \(\otimes\) for \(Q_i\oplus R_i\) (parameter acc_values),
  • a function \(F\) to average the result of \(\otimes\) (parameter avg),

this function computes the following average

\(A_2(Q,R) = F\left( \bigotimes_{i=1}^n (Q_i\oplus R_i) \right)\)

The values \(Q_i\) and \(R_i\) are obtained from applying function values passed as parameter. This function iterates over two sets of elements, where the second is optional and may be empty; this must be known at compile time through the template parameter second_set_empty. These sets are passed with iterators (parameters bfirst, efirst, bsecond, esecond).

If the second set is empty then function values only has one parameter of the same type as the values in the first set. If the second set is not empty then values has two parameters: the first parameter is of the same type as the elements in the first set, and the second parameter is of the same type as the elements in the second set. In the latter case, values is called with the i-th element in the first set and the i-th element in the second set.

See the implementation of function lal::linarr::mean_dependency_distance_2level_rational and its documentation for an example of usage of this function.

Note: this function can be extended to more values than just \(Q\) and \(R\) by implementing the functions accordingly: QR can return a structure with several values, function comb_values should accept said structure and combine the values accordingly, ...

Template Parameters
result_tThe type of the result of this function.
second_set_emptyIs the second set of elements empty?
iterator_first_tIterator type.
iterator_second_tIterator type.
metricFunction type.
combineFunction type.
accumulateFunction type.
make_averageFunction type.
bfirstIterator at the beginning of the first set.
efirstIterator at the end of the first set.
bsecondIterator at the beginning of the second set.
esecondIterator at the end of the second set.
valuesFunction to calculate the values \(Q_i,R_i\) called with the \(i\)-th element in the first set only (if second_set_empty is true) or called with the \(i\)-th elements in the first and second sets (if second_set_empty is false).
comb_valuesOperator \(\oplus\). Function that combines two values \(Q_i\) and \(R_i\).
acc_valuesOperator \(\otimes\). Function that accumulates the combination of two values \(Q_i\) and \(R_i\).
avgFunction \(F\) that averages the result of \(\otimes\). It is passed the result of \(\otimes\) and the total amount of elements.
If the second set of elements is empty then second_set_empty must be true. It must be false otherwise.