LAL: Linear Arrangement Library 24.10.00
A library focused on algorithms on linear arrangements of graphs.
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lal::detail Namespace Reference

Detail namespace. More...


namespace  bipartite_opt_utils
 Utilities for the various optimal linear arrangement algorithms.
namespace  crossings
 Namespace for the algorithms that compute the number of crossings.
namespace  DMax
 Namespace for algorithms to calculate the maximum sum of edge lengths.
namespace  DMax_utils
 Utilities for the various maximum linear arrangement algorithms.
namespace  Dmin
 Namespace for algorithms to calculate the minimum sum of edge lengths.
namespace  Dmin_utils
 Utilities for the various minimum linear arrangement algorithms.
namespace  Dopt_utils
 Utilities for the various optimal linear arrangement algorithms.
namespace  maximum_subtrees
 Algorithms to find maximum subtrees.
namespace  sorting
 Sorting algorithms.


class  arrangement_wrapper
 A wrapper to easily use identity arrangements. More...
struct  array
 Wrapper of a C array for automatic deallocation of memory. More...
class  AVL
 Simple class that implements an AVL tree. More...
class  BFS
 Abstract graph Breadth-First Search traversal. More...
struct  bool_sequence
 A sequence of Boolean values. More...
class  chunks_Anderson
 Implementation of Anderson's algorithm for chunking. More...
class  chunks_generic
 Basic algorithms existent in every definition of chunking. More...
class  chunks_Macutek
 Implementation of Mačutek's algorithm for chunking. More...
struct  conditional_list
 Generalization of std::conditional_list. More...
struct  edge_size
 Struct used in many algorithms to sort edges according to some integer value. More...
struct  first_true
 From a list of Boolean values, find the first that is set to true. More...
struct  is_pointer_iterator
 Decide if a type is a pointer or iterator to another. More...
struct  ith_type
 Selection of the ith type of a list of types. More...
struct  ith_type< ith_idx, type_sequence< Ts... > >
 Partial template specialization of ith_type for type_sequence. More...
class  level_signature
 A class that implements level signatures of an array. More...
struct  node_size
 Struct used in many algorithms to sort vertices according to some integer value. More...
class  queue_array
 Simple array-like fixed-size queue. More...
class  set_array
 A set-like data structure implemented with an array. More...
struct  type_sequence
 A sequence of types. More...


typedef level_signature< level_signature_type::per_vertexlevel_signature_per_vertex
 A useful typedef for level signatures per vertex.
typedef level_signature< level_signature_type::per_positionlevel_signature_per_position
 A useful typedef for level signatures per position.
template<typename bool_seq , typename type_seq >
using conditional_list_t = typename conditional_list<bool_seq, type_seq>::type
 Shorthand for conditional_list.
template<std::size_t ith_idx, typename... Ts>
using ith_type_t = typename ith_type<ith_idx, Ts...>::type
 Shorthand for ith_type::type.


enum class  arrangement_type { identity , nonidentity }
 Type of arrangement. More...
enum class  level_signature_type { per_vertex , per_position }
 Types of level signature. More...
enum class  centroid_results { only_one_centroidal , full_centroid , full_centroid_plus_subtree_sizes , full_centroid_plus_edge_sizes }
 The different types of results. More...


arrangement_wrapper< arrangement_type::identityidentity_arr (const linear_arrangement &arr) noexcept
 Shorthand for an identity arrangement.
arrangement_wrapper< arrangement_type::nonidentitynonidentity_arr (const linear_arrangement &arr) noexcept
 Shorthand for a nonidentity arrangement.
template<class container >
void make_arrangement_permutations (const graphs::rooted_tree &T, const node r, const container &data, position &pos, linear_arrangement &arr) noexcept
 Make an arrangement using permutations.
template<class container >
linear_arrangement make_arrangement_permutations (const graphs::rooted_tree &T, const container &data) noexcept
 Make an arrangement using permutations.
template<class container >
void make_arrangement_permutations (const graphs::free_tree &T, node parent, node u, const container &data, position &pos, linear_arrangement &arr) noexcept
 Make an arrangement using permutations.
template<class container >
linear_arrangement make_arrangement_permutations (const graphs::free_tree &T, node root, const container &data) noexcept
 Make an arrangement using permutations.
template<class graph_t >
graph_t from_edge_list_to_graph (const edge_list &edge_list, const bool normalize, const bool check) noexcept
 Converts an edge list into a graph.
template<class graph_t >
graph_t from_head_vector_to_graph (const head_vector &hv, const bool normalize, const bool check) noexcept
 Transforms a head vector in a directed graph.
template<typename tree_t , bool ensure_root_is_returned, bool free_tree_plus_root = ensure_root_is_returned and std::is_same_v<tree_t, graphs::free_tree>>
std::conditional_t< free_tree_plus_root, std::pair< tree_t, node >, tree_t > from_head_vector_to_tree (std::stringstream &ss) noexcept
 Transforms a head vector in a tree.
template<class tree_t , bool is_rooted = std::is_base_of_v<graphs::rooted_tree, tree_t>>
std::conditional_t< is_rooted, graphs::rooted_tree, std::pair< graphs::free_tree, node > > from_head_vector_to_tree (const head_vector &hv, const bool normalize, const bool check) noexcept
 Converts a head vector into a tree.
template<class arrangement_t >
head_vector from_tree_to_head_vector (const graphs::rooted_tree &t, const arrangement_t &arr) noexcept
 Constructs the head vector representation of a tree.
template<class arrangement_t >
head_vector from_tree_to_head_vector (const graphs::free_tree &t, const arrangement_t &arr, const node r) noexcept
 Constructs the head vector representation of a tree.
template<class tree_t >
tree_t from_level_sequence_to_tree_small (const uint64_t *const L, const uint64_t n, const bool normalize, const bool check) noexcept
 Converts the level sequence of a tree into a graph structure.
template<class tree_t >
tree_t from_level_sequence_to_tree_large (const uint64_t *const L, const uint64_t n, const bool normalize, const bool check) noexcept
 Converts the level sequence of a tree into a graph structure.
template<class tree_t >
tree_t from_level_sequence_to_tree (const uint64_t *const L, const uint64_t n, const bool normalize, const bool check) noexcept
 Converts the level sequence of a tree into a graph structure.
template<class tree_t >
tree_t from_level_sequence_to_tree_small (const std::vector< uint64_t > &L, const uint64_t n, const bool normalize, const bool check) noexcept
 Converts the level sequence of a tree into a graph structure.
template<class tree_t >
tree_t from_level_sequence_to_tree_large (const std::vector< uint64_t > &L, const uint64_t n, const bool normalize, const bool check) noexcept
 Converts the level sequence of a tree into a graph structure.
template<class tree_t >
tree_t from_level_sequence_to_tree (const std::vector< uint64_t > &L, const uint64_t n, const bool normalize, const bool check) noexcept
 Converts the level sequence of a tree into a graph structure.
graphs::free_tree from_Prufer_sequence_to_ftree (const uint64_t *const seq, const uint64_t n, const bool normalize, const bool check) noexcept
 Converts the Prüfer sequence of a labelled tree into a tree structure.
graphs::free_tree from_Prufer_sequence_to_ftree (const std::vector< uint64_t > &seq, const uint64_t n, const bool normalize, const bool check) noexcept
 Converts the Prüfer sequence of a labelled tree into a tree structure.
bool find_cycle (const graphs::directed_graph &g, const node u, char *const __restrict__ visited, char *const __restrict__ in_stack) noexcept
 Returns true if, and only if, the graph has cycles.
bool has_directed_cycles (const graphs::directed_graph &g, char *const __restrict__ vis, char *const __restrict__ in_stack) noexcept
 Returns true if, and only if, the graph has DIRECTED cycles.
bool has_directed_cycles (const graphs::directed_graph &g) noexcept
 Returns true if, and only if, the graph has DIRECTED cycles.
template<class graph_t >
bool has_undirected_cycles (const graph_t &g, BFS< graph_t > &bfs) noexcept
 Returns true if, and only if, the graph has UNDIRECTED cycles.
template<class graph_t >
bool has_undirected_cycles (const graph_t &g) noexcept
 Returns true if, and only if, the graph has UNDIRECTED cycles.
template<class graph_t >
std::vector< edgeset_edges (const graph_t &g) noexcept
 Enumerate the set of edges of the input graph g.
template<class graph_t >
std::vector< edge_pairset_pairs_independent_edges (const graph_t &g, const uint64_t qs) noexcept
 Enumerate the set of pairs of independent edges of the input graph g.
template<class graph_t >
bool is_graph_a_tree (const graph_t &g) noexcept
 Is the input graph a tree?
template<class graph_t >
bool is_node_reachable_from (const graph_t &g, const node source, const node target) noexcept
 Is a node reachable from another?
template<bool get_subsizes>
std::pair< std::vector< edge >, uint64_t * > get_edges_subtree (const graphs::rooted_tree &T, const node u, const bool relabel) noexcept
 Retrieves the edges of a subtree.
template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
void get_size_subtrees (const tree_t &t, const node u, const node v, uint64_t *const sizes) noexcept
 Calculate the size of every subtree of the tree t.
template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
void get_size_subtrees (const tree_t &t, const node r, uint64_t *const sizes) noexcept
 Calculate the size of every subtree of tree t.
template<class tree_t , typename iterator_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t > and is_pointer_iterator_v< edge_size, iterator_t >, bool > = true>
uint64_t calculate_bidirectional_sizes (const tree_t &t, const uint64_t n, const node u, const node v, iterator_t &it) noexcept
 Calculates the values \(s(u,v)\) for the edges \((s,t)\) reachable from \(v\) in the subtree \(T^u_v\).
template<class tree_t , typename iterator_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t > and is_pointer_iterator_v< edge_size, iterator_t >, bool > = true>
void calculate_bidirectional_sizes (const tree_t &t, const uint64_t n, const node x, iterator_t it) noexcept
 Calculates the values \(s_u(v)\) for the edges \((u,v)\) reachable from vertex x.
template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
void classify_tree (const tree_t &t, std::array< bool, graphs::__tree_type_size > &tree_types) noexcept
 Classify a tree into one of the types graphs::tree_type.
constexpr std::string_view tree_type_string (const graphs::tree_type &tt) noexcept
 Converts to a string a value of the enumeration lal::graphs::tree_type.
template<class tree_t >
void update_unionfind_after_add_edge (const tree_t &t, const node u, const node v, node *const root_of, uint64_t *const root_size) noexcept
 Update the Union-Find data structure after the addition of an edge.
template<class tree_t >
void update_unionfind_after_add_edges (const tree_t &t, const edge_list &edges, node *const root_of, uint64_t *const root_size) noexcept
 Update the Union-Find data structure after the addition of several edges.
template<class tree_t >
void update_unionfind_after_add_rem_edges_bulk (const tree_t &t, node *const root_of, uint64_t *const root_size) noexcept
 Update the Union-Find data structure after several edges have been operated in bulk.
template<class tree_t >
void update_unionfind_after_remove_edge (const tree_t &t, const node u, const node v, node *const root_of, uint64_t *const root_size) noexcept
 Updates Union-Find after the removal of an edge.
template<class tree_t >
void update_unionfind_after_remove_edges (const tree_t &t, const edge_list &edges, node *const root_of, uint64_t *const root_size) noexcept
 Update the Union-Find data structure after the addition of several edges.
template<class tree_t >
void update_unionfind_before_remove_edges_incident_to (BFS< tree_t > &bfs, const node v, node *const root_of, uint64_t *const root_size) noexcept
 Update Union-Find after the removal of a vertex.
template<typename tree_t >
void update_unionfind_before_remove_edges_incident_to (const tree_t &t, const node u, node *const root_of, uint64_t *const root_size) noexcept
 Update Union-Find after a vertex removal.
template<class graph_t , typename char_type , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::graph, graph_t > and std::is_integral_v< char_type >, bool > = true>
void get_bool_neighbors (const graph_t &g, const node u, char_type *const neighs) noexcept
 Retrieves the neighbors of a node in an undirected graph as a list of 0-1 values.
void append_adjacency_lists (std::vector< neighbourhood > &target, const std::vector< neighbourhood > &source) noexcept
 Append adjacency list 'source' to list 'target'.
template<bool decide>
std::conditional_t< decide, bool, std::vector< io::head_vector_error > > find_errors (const head_vector &hv) noexcept
 Find errors in a head vector.
template<bool decide>
std::conditional_t< decide, bool, std::vector< io::head_vector_error > > find_errors (const std::string &current_line) noexcept
 Find errors in a line of a treebank.
template<bool decide>
std::conditional_t< decide, bool, io::treebank_file_reportcheck_correctness_treebank (const std::string &treebank_filename) noexcept
 Find errors in a treebank file.
template<bool decide>
std::conditional_t< decide, bool, io::treebank_collection_reportcheck_correctness_treebank_collection (const std::string &main_file_name, const std::size_t n_threads) noexcept
 Find errors in a treebank collection.
template<class graph_t >
uint64_t n_C_brute_force (const graph_t &g, const linear_arrangement &arr) noexcept
 Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?
template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > n_C_brute_force (const graph_t &g, const std::vector< linear_arrangement > &arrs) noexcept
 Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?
template<class graph_t >
uint64_t is_n_C_brute_force_lesseq_than (const graph_t &g, const linear_arrangement &arr, const uint64_t upper_bound) noexcept
 Returns whether the number of crossings is less than a given constant.
template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > is_n_C_brute_force_lesseq_than (const graph_t &g, const std::vector< linear_arrangement > &arrs, const uint64_t upper_bound) noexcept
 Returns whether the number of crossings is less than a given constant.
template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > is_n_C_brute_force_lesseq_than (const graph_t &g, const std::vector< linear_arrangement > &arrs, const std::vector< uint64_t > &upper_bounds) noexcept
 Returns whether the number of crossings is less than a given constant.
template<class graph_t >
uint64_t n_C_dynamic_programming (const graph_t &g, const linear_arrangement &arr) noexcept
 Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?
template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > n_C_dynamic_programming (const graph_t &g, const std::vector< linear_arrangement > &arrs) noexcept
 Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?
template<class graph_t >
uint64_t is_n_C_dynamic_programming_lesseq_than (const graph_t &g, const linear_arrangement &arr, const uint64_t upper_bound) noexcept
 Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.
template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > is_n_C_dynamic_programming_lesseq_than (const graph_t &g, const std::vector< linear_arrangement > &arrs, const uint64_t upper_bound) noexcept
 Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.
template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > is_n_C_dynamic_programming_lesseq_than (const graph_t &g, const std::vector< linear_arrangement > &arrs, const std::vector< uint64_t > &upper_bounds) noexcept
 Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.
template<class graph_t >
uint64_t n_C_ladder (const graph_t &g, const linear_arrangement &arr) noexcept
 Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?
template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > n_C_ladder (const graph_t &g, const std::vector< linear_arrangement > &arrs) noexcept
 Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?
template<class graph_t >
uint64_t is_n_C_ladder_lesseq_than (const graph_t &g, const linear_arrangement &arr, const uint64_t upper_bound) noexcept
 Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.
template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > is_n_C_ladder_lesseq_than (const graph_t &g, const std::vector< linear_arrangement > &arrs, const uint64_t upper_bound) noexcept
 Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.
template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > is_n_C_ladder_lesseq_than (const graph_t &g, const std::vector< linear_arrangement > &arrs, const std::vector< uint64_t > &upper_bounds) noexcept
 Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.
template<class graph_t >
uint64_t n_C_stack_based (const graph_t &g, const linear_arrangement &arr) noexcept
 Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?
template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > n_C_stack_based (const graph_t &g, const std::vector< linear_arrangement > &arrs) noexcept
 Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?
template<class graph_t >
uint64_t is_n_C_stack_based_lesseq_than (const graph_t &g, const linear_arrangement &arr, const uint64_t upper_bound) noexcept
 Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.
template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > is_n_C_stack_based_lesseq_than (const graph_t &g, const std::vector< linear_arrangement > &arrs, const uint64_t upper_bound) noexcept
 Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.
template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > is_n_C_stack_based_lesseq_than (const graph_t &g, const std::vector< linear_arrangement > &arrs, const std::vector< uint64_t > &upper_bounds) noexcept
 Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.
constexpr uint64_t alpha (const int64_t n, const int64_t d1, const int64_t d2) noexcept
 Amount of crossings pairs of edges of given lengths.
constexpr uint64_t beta (const int64_t n, const int64_t d1, const int64_t d2) noexcept
 Amount of pairs of edges of given lengths.
template<typename result_t , class graph_t , class arrangement_t >
result_t predict_C_using_edge_lengths (const graph_t &g, const arrangement_t &arr) noexcept
 Predicted number of crossings based on the sum of edge lengths.
template<class graph_t , class arrangement_t >
uint64_t sum_edge_lengths (const graph_t &g, const arrangement_t &arr) noexcept
 Sum of edge lengths in a graph.
template<class result_t , class graph_t , class arrangement_t >
result_t mean_sum_edge_lengths (const graph_t &g, const arrangement_t &arr) noexcept
 Average sum of edge lengths in a graph.
template<class graph_t , level_signature_type t>
bool is_level_signature_nonincreasing (const graph_t &g, const level_signature< t > &levels, const linear_arrangement &arr) noexcept
 Returns true if the level sequence follows that of a maximum arrangement.
template<class graph_t , level_signature_type t>
bool no_two_adjacent_vertices_have_same_level (const graph_t &g, const level_signature< t > &levels, const linear_arrangement &arr) noexcept
 Returns true if no two adjacent vertices (in the graph) have the same level value.
template<class graph_t , level_signature_type t>
bool no_vertex_in_antenna_is_thistle (const graph_t &g, const std::vector< properties::branchless_path > &bps, const level_signature< t > &levels, const linear_arrangement &arr) noexcept
 Returns true if none of the vertices in the antennas of the graph is a thistle.
template<class graph_t , level_signature_type t>
bool at_most_one_thistle_in_bridges (const graph_t &g, const std::vector< properties::branchless_path > &bps, const level_signature< t > &levels, const linear_arrangement &arr) noexcept
 Returns true if none of the vertices in the antennas of the graph is a thistle.
template<class depflux , class arrangement_t >
void calculate_dependencies_and_span (const graphs::free_tree &t, const arrangement_t &arr, const std::vector< std::pair< edge_t, uint64_t > > &edge_with_max_pos_at, const position cur_pos, std::vector< depflux > &flux, std::vector< edge > &cur_deps) noexcept
 Calculate the dependencies and their span.
uint64_t calculate_weight (const std::vector< edge > &dependencies, graphs::undirected_graph &ug) noexcept
 Calculates the weight of a set of dependencies in a flux.
template<class arrangement_t >
bool is_root_covered (const graphs::rooted_tree &rt, const arrangement_t &arr) noexcept
 Is the root of a rooted tree covered in a given arrangement?
template<class arrangement_t >
bool is_projective (const graphs::rooted_tree &rt, const arrangement_t &arr) noexcept
 Is a given arrangement projective?
template<class arrangement_t >
bool is_bipartite__connected (const properties::bipartite_graph_coloring &c, const arrangement_t &arr) noexcept
 Is a given arrangement bipartite?
template<class graph_t , class arrangement_t >
bool is_bipartite (const graph_t &g, const arrangement_t &arr) noexcept
 Is a given arrangement bipartite?
template<class arrangement_t >
uint64_t right_branching_edges (const graphs::directed_graph &g, const arrangement_t &arr) noexcept
 Number of right branching edges in a directed graph.
template<typename result_t , class arrangement_t >
result_t head_initial (const graphs::directed_graph &g, const arrangement_t &arr) noexcept
 Proposition of right branching edges in a directed graph.
constexpr bool is_per_vertex (const level_signature_type &t) noexcept
 Returns true if the template parameter is lal::detail::level_signature_type::per_vertex.
constexpr bool is_per_position (const level_signature_type &t) noexcept
 Returns true if the template parameter is lal::detail::level_signature_type::per_position.
template<level_signature_type t, class graph_t >
bool is_thistle_vertex (const graph_t &g, const level_signature< t > &levels, const node_t u, const linear_arrangement &arr={}) noexcept
 Returns whether or not the input vertex is a thistle vertex.
template<level_signature_type t, class graph_t >
void calculate_level_signature (const graph_t &g, const linear_arrangement &arr, level_signature< t > &L) noexcept
 Calculates the level signature of an arrangement of a graph.
template<level_signature_type t, class graph_t >
level_signature< t > calculate_level_signature (const graph_t &g, const linear_arrangement &arr) noexcept
 Calculates the level signature of an arrangement of a graph.
template<class level_signature_t >
level_signature_t mirror_level_signature (const level_signature_t &L) noexcept
 Mirrors a level signature.
constexpr std::string_view syntactic_dependency_tree_to_string (const linarr::syntactic_dependency_tree_type &tt) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr uint64_t to_uint64 (const T &t) noexcept
 Conversion to uint64_t.
template<typename T >
constexpr int64_t to_int64 (const T &t) noexcept
 Conversion to int64_t.
template<typename T >
constexpr uint32_t to_uint32 (const T &t) noexcept
 Conversion to uint32_t.
template<typename T >
constexpr int32_t to_int32 (const T &t) noexcept
 Conversion to int32_t.
template<typename T >
constexpr double to_double (const T &t) noexcept
 Conversion to double.
template<typename T >
constexpr T abs_diff (const T &t1, const T &t2) noexcept
 Absolute difference of two values.
template<typename iterator_t , typename value_t >
iterator_t find_sorted (const iterator_t begin, const iterator_t end, const std::size_t size, const value_t &v, const std::size_t min_size=64) noexcept
 Finds an element within the sorted range [begin, end).
template<typename iterator_t , typename value_t >
bool exists_sorted (const iterator_t begin, const iterator_t end, const std::size_t size, const value_t &v, const std::size_t min_size=64) noexcept
 Finds an element within the sorted range [begin, end).
template<typename T , std::size_t size, T v, std::size_t... I>
constexpr std::array< T, size > make_array_with_value_impl (std::index_sequence< I... >) noexcept
 Implementation of lal::detail::make_array_with_value.
template<typename T , std::size_t array_size, T value_to_fill_with>
constexpr std::array< T, array_size > make_array_with_value () noexcept
 Returns an array initialized at a given value.
template<typename T , T... ARGS>
constexpr std::array< T, sizeof...(ARGS)> make_array () noexcept
 Make an array with the values given as parameters of the template.
void mpz_pow_mpz (mpz_t &r, const mpz_t &b, const mpz_t &e) noexcept
 Computes the exponentiation of a big integer to another big integer.
void mpz_divide_mpq (mpq_t &r, const mpz_t &k) noexcept
 Rational-Integer division.
void mpq_divide_mpq (mpq_t &num, const mpq_t &den) noexcept
 Rational-Rational division.
void operate_power (mpq_t &r, uint64_t p) noexcept
 Power operation.
void operate_power (mpq_t &r, const mpz_t &p) noexcept
 Power operation.
std::size_t mpz_bytes (const mpz_t &v) noexcept
 Returns the amount of bytes of a gmp's integer value.
template<class tree_t >
void expand_branchless_path (const tree_t &t, const node u, const node v, BFS< tree_t > &bfs, std::vector< properties::branchless_path > &res, properties::branchless_path &p) noexcept
 Completes the branchless path.
template<class tree_t >
std::vector< properties::branchless_pathbranchless_paths_compute (const tree_t &t) noexcept
 Finds all branchless paths in a tree.
template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
std::pair< node, noderetrieve_centre (const tree_t &t, const node X) noexcept
 Calculate the centre of the connected component that has node x.
constexpr bool is_m1 (const centroid_results &m) noexcept
 Is mode m equal to lal::detail::centroid_results::only_one_centroidal.
constexpr bool is_m2 (const centroid_results &m) noexcept
 Is mode m equal to lal::detail::centroid_results::full_centroid.
constexpr bool is_m3 (const centroid_results &m) noexcept
 Is mode m equal to lal::detail::centroid_results::full_centroid_plus_subtree_sizes.
constexpr bool is_m4 (const centroid_results &m) noexcept
 Is mode m equal to lal::detail::centroid_results::full_centroid_plus_edge_sizes.
template<centroid_results mode, class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
conditional_list_t< bool_sequence< is_m1(mode), is_m2(mode), is_m3(mode), is_m4(mode) >, type_sequence< node, std::pair< node, node >, std::pair< std::pair< node, node >, array< uint64_t > >, std::pair< std::pair< node, node >, array< edge_size > > > > find_centroidal_vertex (const tree_t &t, const node x) noexcept
 Calculates the centroid of a tree.
template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
std::pair< node, nodecentroidal_vertex_plus_adjacency_list (const tree_t &t, const node x, std::vector< std::vector< node_size > > &L) noexcept
 Calculates the centroid and the corresponding rooted adjacency list.
template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
std::pair< node, noderetrieve_centroid (const tree_t &t, const node x=0) noexcept
 Calculate the centroid of the connected component that has node x.
template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
uint64_t tree_diameter (const tree_t &t, const node x) noexcept
 Calculate the diameter of a tree.
template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
char fast_non_iso (const tree_t &t1, const tree_t &t2) noexcept
 Fast tree non-isomorphism test.
void assign_name_and_keep (const graphs::rooted_tree &t, const node u, std::size_t idx, array< std::string > &aux_memory_for_names, array< std::string > &keep_name_of) noexcept
 Assigns a name to node 'u', root of the current subtree.
std::string assign_name (const graphs::rooted_tree &t, const node u, array< std::string > &names, std::size_t idx) noexcept
 Assigns a name to node 'u', root of the current subtree.
bool are_rooted_trees_isomorphic (const graphs::rooted_tree &t1, const graphs::rooted_tree &t2) noexcept
 Test whether two rooted trees are isomorphic or not.


constexpr std::array< graphs::tree_type, graphs::__tree_type_sizearray_of_tree_types
 The array of all types of trees.
constexpr std::array< linarr::syntactic_dependency_tree_type, linarr::__syntactic_dependency_tree_sizearray_of_syntactic_dependency_trees
 The array of all types of syntact dependency structures.
template<bool... conds>
static constexpr std::size_t first_true_v = first_true<conds...>::value
 Shorthand for first_true.
template<typename Iterated_Type , typename Iterator >
constexpr bool is_pointer_iterator_v
 Shorthand for is_pointer_iterator.

Detailed Description

Detail namespace.

Most algorithms are included here. Unless you have a really good reason to use the algorithms in this namespace, please, refrain from doing so.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ arrangement_type

enum class lal::detail::arrangement_type

Type of arrangement.

Used to call functions that have arrangements as input parameters.


Identity arrangement. \(\pi(i)=i\).


Non-identity arrangement. An arrangement that is not the identity.

◆ centroid_results

enum class lal::detail::centroid_results

The different types of results.


Returns only one centroidal vertex. No weights.


Returns the full centroid of the tree. No weights.


Returns the full centroid of the tree. Also returns the weights.


Returns the full centroid of the tree. Also returns the edge_size array.

◆ level_signature_type

Types of level signature.


Given per vertex.

The level value is queried via a vertex u, "L[u]".


Given per position.

The level value is queried via a position p, "L[p]".

Function Documentation

◆ alpha()

uint64_t lal::detail::alpha ( const int64_t n,
const int64_t d1,
const int64_t d2 )

Amount of crossings pairs of edges of given lengths.

Complexity: constant time.

nNumber of edges in the linear arrangement.
d1Length of the first edge.
d2Length of the second edge.
The amount of pairs of edges of lengths d1 and d2 respectively that can cross in a linear arrangement.

◆ append_adjacency_lists()

void lal::detail::append_adjacency_lists ( std::vector< neighbourhood > & target,
const std::vector< neighbourhood > & source )

Append adjacency list 'source' to list 'target'.

targetList into which source will be appended to.
sourceList to append to target.

◆ are_rooted_trees_isomorphic()

bool lal::detail::are_rooted_trees_isomorphic ( const graphs::rooted_tree & t1,
const graphs::rooted_tree & t2 )

Test whether two rooted trees are isomorphic or not.

t1First rooted tree.
t2Second rooted tree.
True or false.

◆ assign_name()

std::string lal::detail::assign_name ( const graphs::rooted_tree & t,
const node u,
array< std::string > & names,
std::size_t idx )

Assigns a name to node 'u', root of the current subtree.

For further details on the algorithm, see [1] for further details.

tInput rooted tree
uRoot of the subtree whose name we want to calculate
namesAn array of strings where the names are stored (as in a dynamic programming algorithm). The size of this array must be at least the number of vertices in the subtree of 't' rooted at 'u'. Actually, less memory suffices, but I don't know how much less: better be safe than sorry.
idxA pointer to the position within names that will contain the name of the first child of 'u'. The position names[idx+1] will contain the name of the second child of 'u'.
The code for the subtree rooted at 'u'.

◆ assign_name_and_keep()

void lal::detail::assign_name_and_keep ( const graphs::rooted_tree & t,
const node u,
std::size_t idx,
array< std::string > & aux_memory_for_names,
array< std::string > & keep_name_of )

Assigns a name to node 'u', root of the current subtree.

This function stores the names of every node in the subtree rooted at 'u'. This is useful if we want to make lots of comparisons between subtrees

For further details on the algorithm, see [1].

tInput rooted tree
uRoot of the subtree whose name we want to calculate
idxA pointer to the position within names that will contain the name of the first child of 'u'. The position names[idx+1] will contain the name of the second child of 'u'.
aux_memory_for_namesAuxiliary memory used to sort names of subtrees.
keep_name_ofAn array of strings where the names are stored (as in a dynamic programming algorithm). The size of this array must be at least the number of vertices in the subtree of 't' rooted at 'u'. Actually, less memory suffices, but better be safe than sorry.

◆ at_most_one_thistle_in_bridges()

template<class graph_t , level_signature_type t>
bool lal::detail::at_most_one_thistle_in_bridges ( const graph_t & g,
const std::vector< properties::branchless_path > & bps,
const level_signature< t > & levels,
const linear_arrangement & arr )

Returns true if none of the vertices in the antennas of the graph is a thistle.

Checks that no vertex in any antenna of the tree is a thistle vertex in the input arrangement. This is a necessary condition for an arrangement to be maximum (in sum of edge lengths), as shown in [7].

When the level signature is defined on a 'per vertex' basis, the arrangement is not needed.

Template Parameters
tLevel signature type.
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrInput arrangement.
levelssignature of the arrangement.
bpsAll Branchless Paths of the tree.
Whether or not the level sequence satisfies the condition.

◆ beta()

uint64_t lal::detail::beta ( const int64_t n,
const int64_t d1,
const int64_t d2 )

Amount of pairs of edges of given lengths.

Complexity: constant time.

nNumber of edges in the linear arrangement.
d1Length of the first edge.
d2Length of the second edge.
The amount of pairs of edges of lengths d1 and d2 respectively that can cross in a linear arrangement.

◆ branchless_paths_compute()

template<class tree_t >
std::vector< properties::branchless_path > lal::detail::branchless_paths_compute ( const tree_t & t)

Finds all branchless paths in a tree.

Template Parameters
tree_tType of tree.
tInput tree.
The list of all branchless paths.

◆ calculate_bidirectional_sizes() [1/2]

template<class tree_t , typename iterator_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t > and is_pointer_iterator_v< edge_size, iterator_t >, bool > = true>
uint64_t lal::detail::calculate_bidirectional_sizes ( const tree_t & t,
const uint64_t n,
const node u,
const node v,
iterator_t & it )

Calculates the values \(s(u,v)\) for the edges \((s,t)\) reachable from \(v\) in the subtree \(T^u_v\).

This function calculates the 'map' relating each edge \((u, v)\) with the size of the subtree rooted at \(v\) with respect to the hypothetical root \(u\). This is an implementation of the algorithm described in [30] (proof of lemma 8 (page 63), and the beginning of section 6 (page 65)).

Notice that the values are not stored in an actual map (std::map, or similar), but in a vector.

Template Parameters
iterated_tThe type that stores the sizes.
iterator_tThe type of the iterator on a container containing values of type iterated_t.
tInput tree.
nSize of the connected component to which edge \((u,v)\) belongs to.
uFirst vertex of the edge.
vSecond vertex of the edge.
itAn iterator to the container that holds the size values. Such container must have size equal to twice the number of edges in the connected component of u and v.
Vertices u and v belong to the same connected component.

◆ calculate_bidirectional_sizes() [2/2]

template<class tree_t , typename iterator_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t > and is_pointer_iterator_v< edge_size, iterator_t >, bool > = true>
void lal::detail::calculate_bidirectional_sizes ( const tree_t & t,
const uint64_t n,
const node x,
iterator_t it )

Calculates the values \(s_u(v)\) for the edges \((u,v)\) reachable from vertex x.

Calculates the values \(s_u(v)\) for all edges \((u,v)\) in linear time. This is an implementation of the algorithm described in [30] (proof of lemma 8 (page 63), and the beginning of section 6 (page 65)).

For any edge \((u,v)\) let \(T^u\) be the tree \(T\) rooted at \(u\). The value \(s_u(v)\) is the size of the subtree of \(T^u\) rooted at \(v\), i.e., \(s_u(v)=|V(T^u_v)|\).

Example of usage (mind the vector! its initial size is \(2*m\)).

const lal::graphs::free_tree t = ... ;
std::vector<pair<edge,uint64_t>> sizes_edges(2*t.get_num_edges());
auto it = sizes_edges.begin();
Free tree graph class.
Definition free_tree.hpp:60
uint64_t get_num_edges() const noexcept
Returns the number of edges.
Definition graph.hpp:211
uint64_t get_num_nodes() const noexcept
Returns the number of ndoes.
Definition graph.hpp:207
uint64_t calculate_bidirectional_sizes(const tree_t &t, const uint64_t n, const node u, const node v, iterator_t &it) noexcept
Calculates the values for the edges reachable from in the subtree .
Definition size_subtrees.hpp:168
Template Parameters
tree_tType of the tree. Must be 'rooted_tree' or 'free_tree'.
iterated_tThe type that stores the sizes.
iterator_tThe type of the iterator on a container containing values of type iterated_t.
tInput tree
nNumber of nodes in the connected component of vertex x
xNode of the connected component for which we want to calculate the bidirectional sizes
itAn iterator to the container that holds the size values. Such container must have size equal to twice the number of edges in the connected component of u and v.

◆ calculate_dependencies_and_span()

template<class depflux , class arrangement_t >
void lal::detail::calculate_dependencies_and_span ( const graphs::free_tree & t,
const arrangement_t & arr,
const std::vector< std::pair< edge_t, uint64_t > > & edge_with_max_pos_at,
const position cur_pos,
std::vector< depflux > & flux,
std::vector< edge > & cur_deps )

Calculate the dependencies and their span.

Template Parameters
arrangement_tType of arrangement.
tInput tree.
arrInput linear arrangement.
cur_posCurrent position in the arrangement for which we calculate the dependencies.
[out]fluxThe flux at this position.
[out]cur_depsThe dependencies crossing this position.

◆ calculate_level_signature() [1/2]

template<level_signature_type t, class graph_t >
level_signature< t > lal::detail::calculate_level_signature ( const graph_t & g,
const linear_arrangement & arr )

Calculates the level signature of an arrangement of a graph.

Template Parameters
tLevel signature type.
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrInput arrangement.
The level sequence of an arrangement per vertex.

◆ calculate_level_signature() [2/2]

template<level_signature_type t, class graph_t >
void lal::detail::calculate_level_signature ( const graph_t & g,
const linear_arrangement & arr,
level_signature< t > & L )

Calculates the level signature of an arrangement of a graph.

Template Parameters
tLevel signature type.
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrInput arrangement.
[out]LLevel signature of the arrangement of the input graph.
Parameter L is initialized at 0.

◆ calculate_weight()

uint64_t lal::detail::calculate_weight ( const std::vector< edge > & dependencies,
graphs::undirected_graph & ug )

Calculates the weight of a set of dependencies in a flux.

dependenciesInput dependencies.
ugInput undirected graph.
The size of the largest subset of independent dependencies.

◆ centroidal_vertex_plus_adjacency_list()

template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
std::pair< node, node > lal::detail::centroidal_vertex_plus_adjacency_list ( const tree_t & t,
const node x,
std::vector< std::vector< node_size > > & L )

Calculates the centroid and the corresponding rooted adjacency list.

Template Parameters
tTreer type.
tInput tree.
xNode belonging to a connected component whose centroid we want.
[out]LAdjacency list-like data structure. \(L[u]\) is a list of pairs \((v, s_u(v))\) where \(v\) is a neighbour (with respect to a fictional root taken to be a centroidal vertex of the tree) of \(u\) and \(n_u(v)=|V(T^u_v)|\) is the size of the subtree \(T^u_v\) in vertices.

◆ check_correctness_treebank()

template<bool decide>
std::conditional_t< decide, bool, io::treebank_file_report > lal::detail::check_correctness_treebank ( const std::string & treebank_filename)

Find errors in a treebank file.

Template Parameters
decideWhen true, return a value as soon as an error is found.
treebank_filenameName of the treebank file.
A Boolean if decide is true, a list of errors if otherwise.

◆ check_correctness_treebank_collection()

template<bool decide>
std::conditional_t< decide, bool, io::treebank_collection_report > lal::detail::check_correctness_treebank_collection ( const std::string & main_file_name,
const std::size_t n_threads )

Find errors in a treebank collection.

Template Parameters
decideWhen true, return a value as soon as an error is found.
main_file_nameName of the collection's main file.
n_threadsNumber of threads that this function can use.
A Boolean if decide is true, a list of errors if otherwise.

◆ classify_tree()

template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
void lal::detail::classify_tree ( const tree_t & t,
std::array< bool, graphs::__tree_type_size > & tree_types )

Classify a tree into one of the types graphs::tree_type.

Template Parameters
tree_tType of tree.
tInput tree.
[out]tree_typesA set of bits (or flags) each indicating whether or not t is of a certain tree type.

◆ exists_sorted()

template<typename iterator_t , typename value_t >
bool lal::detail::exists_sorted ( const iterator_t begin,
const iterator_t end,
const std::size_t size,
const value_t & v,
const std::size_t min_size = 64 )

Finds an element within the sorted range [begin, end).

Template Parameters
iterator_tIterator type.
value_tValue type.
beginPointer at the first element of the range.
endPointer at the last element of the range.
sizeThe number of elements within the range.
vThe value to search for.
min_sizeThe minimum number of elements for the function to choose std::lower_bound over std::find.
Whether v exists in the range or not.
The range [begin, end) is entirely sorted.

◆ expand_branchless_path()

template<class tree_t >
void lal::detail::expand_branchless_path ( const tree_t & t,
const node u,
const node v,
BFS< tree_t > & bfs,
std::vector< properties::branchless_path > & res,
properties::branchless_path & p )

Completes the branchless path.

The first vertex of degree different from 2 is vertex u. And the next vertex in the sequence is vertex v.

Template Parameters
tree_tType of tree.
tInput tree.
uFirst vertex of the path.
vSecond vertex of the path.
bfsBreadth-First Search traversal object.
resVector containing all branchless paths.
pCurrent branchless path.

◆ fast_non_iso()

template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
char lal::detail::fast_non_iso ( const tree_t & t1,
const tree_t & t2 )

Fast tree non-isomorphism test.

Template Parameters
tree_tTree type.
t1One tree.
t2Another tree.
Whether the input trees are, might be, or are not isomorphic.
0 if the trees ARE isomorphic
1 if the trees ARE NOT isomorphic:
  • number of vertices do not coincide,
  • number of leaves do not coincide,
  • second moment of degree do not coincide,
  • maximum vertex degrees do not coincide,
2 if the trees MIGHT BE isomorphic

◆ find_centroidal_vertex()

template<centroid_results mode, class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
conditional_list_t< bool_sequence< is_m1(mode), is_m2(mode), is_m3(mode), is_m4(mode) >, type_sequence< node, std::pair< node, node >, std::pair< std::pair< node, node >, array< uint64_t > >, std::pair< std::pair< node, node >, array< edge_size > > > > lal::detail::find_centroidal_vertex ( const tree_t & t,
const node x )

Calculates the centroid of a tree.

See Centre and centroid of a tree for details on what the centroid of a tree is.

If subtree sizes are to be returned, they come in an array of size the number of vertices of the tree.

Template Parameters
modeIndicates the value to be returned by this function. If:
tree_tType of tree.
tInput tree.
xNode belonging to a connected component whose centroid we want.

◆ find_cycle()

bool lal::detail::find_cycle ( const graphs::directed_graph & g,
const node u,
char *const __restrict__ visited,
char *const __restrict__ in_stack )

Returns true if, and only if, the graph has cycles.

gInput graph.
uNode of the directed graph
visitedFor each node, has it been visited?
in_stackFor each node, is it in the recursion stack?

◆ find_errors() [1/2]

template<bool decide>
std::conditional_t< decide, bool, std::vector< io::head_vector_error > > lal::detail::find_errors ( const head_vector & hv)

Find errors in a head vector.

The head vector may correspond to the contents of a line in a treebank file.

Template Parameters
decideWhen true, return a value as soon as an error is found.
hvInput head vector.
A Boolean if decide is true, a list of errors if otherwise.

◆ find_errors() [2/2]

template<bool decide>
std::conditional_t< decide, bool, std::vector< io::head_vector_error > > lal::detail::find_errors ( const std::string & current_line)

Find errors in a line of a treebank.

Template Parameters
decideWhen true, return a value as soon as an error is found.
current_lineThe line being analyzed.
A Boolean if decide is true, a list of errors if otherwise.

◆ find_sorted()

template<typename iterator_t , typename value_t >
iterator_t lal::detail::find_sorted ( const iterator_t begin,
const iterator_t end,
const std::size_t size,
const value_t & v,
const std::size_t min_size = 64 )

Finds an element within the sorted range [begin, end).

Template Parameters
iterator_tIterator type.
value_tValue type.
beginPointer at the first element of the range.
endPointer at the last element of the range.
sizeThe number of elements within the range.
vThe value to search for.
min_sizeThe minimum number of elements for the function to choose std::lower_bound over std::find.
An iterator to the element v within the input range.
The range [begin, end) is entirely sorted.

◆ from_edge_list_to_graph()

template<class graph_t >
graph_t lal::detail::from_edge_list_to_graph ( const edge_list & edge_list,
const bool normalize,
const bool check )

Converts an edge list into a graph.

An edge list is a list of pairs of indices, each index in the pair being different and in \([0,n-1]\)., where \(n\) is the number of vertices of the tree.

Methods lal::io::read_edge_list read an edge list from a file in disk.

edge_listAn edge list.
normalizeShould the graph be normalized?
checkIn case the graph is not to be normalized, should we check whether it is nor not?
Returns a lal::graphs::rooted_tree obtained from the head vector.
No edge in the list is repeated.

◆ from_head_vector_to_graph()

template<class graph_t >
graph_t lal::detail::from_head_vector_to_graph ( const head_vector & hv,
const bool normalize,
const bool check )

Transforms a head vector in a directed graph.

Template Parameters
graph_tThe type of graph.
hvThe input head vector.
normalizeNormalize the grpah or not?
checkCheck whether the graph is normalized or not?
A graph.

◆ from_head_vector_to_tree() [1/2]

template<class tree_t , bool is_rooted = std::is_base_of_v<graphs::rooted_tree, tree_t>>
std::conditional_t< is_rooted, graphs::rooted_tree, std::pair< graphs::free_tree, node > > lal::detail::from_head_vector_to_tree ( const head_vector & hv,
const bool normalize,
const bool check )

Converts a head vector into a tree.

Template Parameters
tree_tType of input tree
hvInput head vector.
normalizeNormalize the resulting tree.
checkCheck whether the constructed tree is normalized.
A lal::graphs::rooted_tree or a pair of lal::graphs::free_tree and the root encoded in the head vector.

◆ from_head_vector_to_tree() [2/2]

template<typename tree_t , bool ensure_root_is_returned, bool free_tree_plus_root = ensure_root_is_returned and std::is_same_v<tree_t, graphs::free_tree>>
std::conditional_t< free_tree_plus_root, std::pair< tree_t, node >, tree_t > lal::detail::from_head_vector_to_tree ( std::stringstream & ss)

Transforms a head vector in a tree.

Reads the head vector from a stream object.

Template Parameters
tree_tThe type of tree.
ssStream to read the head vector from.
Either a pair of free tree and its root, or a rooted tree.

◆ from_level_sequence_to_tree() [1/2]

template<class tree_t >
tree_t lal::detail::from_level_sequence_to_tree ( const std::vector< uint64_t > & L,
const uint64_t n,
const bool normalize,
const bool check )

Converts the level sequence of a tree into a graph structure.

See lal::detail::from_level_sequence_to_tree for further details.

◆ from_level_sequence_to_tree() [2/2]

template<class tree_t >
tree_t lal::detail::from_level_sequence_to_tree ( const uint64_t *const L,
const uint64_t n,
const bool normalize,
const bool check )

Converts the level sequence of a tree into a graph structure.

Examples of level sequences:

  • linear tree of n nodes:
        0 1 2 3 4 ... (n-1) n
  • star tree of n nodes
        0 1 2 2 2 .... 2 2
            |------------| > (n-1) two's
Template Parameters
tree_tThe type of tree.
LThe level sequence, in preorder.
nNumber of nodes of the tree.
normalizeShould the tree be normalized?
checkShould it be checked whether the tree is normalized or not?
The tree built with the sequence level L.
n >= 2.
The size of L is exactly n + 1.
The first value of a sequence must be a zero.
The second value of a sequence must be a one.

◆ from_level_sequence_to_tree_large() [1/2]

template<class tree_t >
tree_t lal::detail::from_level_sequence_to_tree_large ( const std::vector< uint64_t > & L,
const uint64_t n,
const bool normalize,
const bool check )

Converts the level sequence of a tree into a graph structure.

See lal::detail::from_level_sequence_to_tree for further details.

◆ from_level_sequence_to_tree_large() [2/2]

template<class tree_t >
tree_t lal::detail::from_level_sequence_to_tree_large ( const uint64_t *const L,
const uint64_t n,
const bool normalize,
const bool check )

Converts the level sequence of a tree into a graph structure.

Examples of level sequences:

  • linear tree of n nodes:
        0 1 2 3 4 ... (n-1) n
  • star tree of n nodes
        0 1 2 2 2 .... 2 2
           |------------| > (n-1) two's
Template Parameters
tree_tThe type of tree.
LThe level sequence, in preorder.
nNumber of nodes of the tree.
normalizeShould the tree be normalized?
checkShould it be checked whether the tree is normalized or not?
The tree built with the sequence level L.
n >= 2.
The size of L is exactly n + 1.
The first value of a sequence must be a zero.
The second value of a sequence must be a one.

◆ from_level_sequence_to_tree_small() [1/2]

template<class tree_t >
tree_t lal::detail::from_level_sequence_to_tree_small ( const std::vector< uint64_t > & L,
const uint64_t n,
const bool normalize,
const bool check )

Converts the level sequence of a tree into a graph structure.

See lal::detail::from_level_sequence_to_tree for further details.

◆ from_level_sequence_to_tree_small() [2/2]

template<class tree_t >
tree_t lal::detail::from_level_sequence_to_tree_small ( const uint64_t *const L,
const uint64_t n,
const bool normalize,
const bool check )

Converts the level sequence of a tree into a graph structure.

Examples of level sequences:

  • linear tree of n nodes:
        0 1 2 3 4 ... (n-1) n
  • star tree of n nodes
        0 1 2 2 2 .... 2 2
           |------------| > (n-1) two's
Template Parameters
tree_tThe type of tree.
LThe level sequence, in preorder.
nNumber of nodes of the tree.
normalizeShould the tree be normalized?
checkShould it be checked whether the tree is normalized or not?
The tree built with the sequence level L.
n >= 2.
The size of L is exactly n + 1.
The first value of a sequence must be a zero.
The second value of a sequence must be a one.

◆ from_Prufer_sequence_to_ftree() [1/2]

graphs::free_tree lal::detail::from_Prufer_sequence_to_ftree ( const std::vector< uint64_t > & seq,
const uint64_t n,
const bool normalize,
const bool check )

Converts the Prüfer sequence of a labelled tree into a tree structure.

For details on Prüfer sequences, see [41].

seqThe Prufer sequence sequence.
nNumber of nodes of the tree.
normalizeShould the tree be normalized?
checkShould it be checked whether the tree is normalized or not?
The tree built with seq.

◆ from_Prufer_sequence_to_ftree() [2/2]

graphs::free_tree lal::detail::from_Prufer_sequence_to_ftree ( const uint64_t *const seq,
const uint64_t n,
const bool normalize,
const bool check )

Converts the Prüfer sequence of a labelled tree into a tree structure.

For details on Prüfer sequences, see [41].

seqThe Prufer sequence sequence.
nNumber of nodes of the tree.
normalizeShould the tree be normalized?
checkShould it be checked whether the tree is normalized or not?
The tree built with seq.

◆ from_tree_to_head_vector() [1/2]

template<class arrangement_t >
head_vector lal::detail::from_tree_to_head_vector ( const graphs::free_tree & t,
const arrangement_t & arr,
const node r )

Constructs the head vector representation of a tree.

Template Parameters
arrangement_tType of arrangement.
tInput free tree.
rRoot of the tree.
arrLinear arrangement of the vertices.
A head vector

◆ from_tree_to_head_vector() [2/2]

template<class arrangement_t >
head_vector lal::detail::from_tree_to_head_vector ( const graphs::rooted_tree & t,
const arrangement_t & arr )

Constructs the head vector representation of a tree.

Template Parameters
arrangement_tType of arrangement.
tInput rooted tree.
arrLinear arrangement of the vertices.
A head vector encoding the tree.

◆ get_bool_neighbors()

template<class graph_t , typename char_type , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::graph, graph_t > and std::is_integral_v< char_type >, bool > = true>
void lal::detail::get_bool_neighbors ( const graph_t & g,
const node u,
char_type *const neighs )

Retrieves the neighbors of a node in an undirected graph as a list of 0-1 values.

Sets to 1 the positions in neighs that correspond to the nodes neighours of u.

gInput graph.
uInput node.
neighs0-1 list of neighbors of u in g.
The contents of neighs must be all 0 (or false).

◆ get_edges_subtree()

template<bool get_subsizes>
std::pair< std::vector< edge >, uint64_t * > lal::detail::get_edges_subtree ( const graphs::rooted_tree & T,
const node u,
const bool relabel )

Retrieves the edges of a subtree.

Template Parameters
get_subsizesShould the result also keep the sizes of the subtrees?
TInput rooted tree.
uRoot of the subtree.
relabelRelabel the vertices? If so, vertex 'u' is relabelled to 0
A pair consisting of the list of edges and, optionally, a raw pointer to memory containing the sizes of the subtrees.
The tree is a valid rooted tree.
The tree has vertex 'u'.
The function has NO ownership of the raw pointer returned in the pair.
The pointer returned is not nullptr only when T.size_subtrees_valid() AND the boolean parameter sizes are BOTH true.

◆ get_size_subtrees() [1/2]

template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
void lal::detail::get_size_subtrees ( const tree_t & t,
const node r,
uint64_t *const sizes )

Calculate the size of every subtree of tree t.

The method starts calculating the sizes at node r. Since rooted trees have directed edges, starting at a node different from the tree's root may not calculate every subtree's size.

tInput rooted tree.
rStart calculating sizes of subtrees at this node.
sizesThe size of the subtree rooted at every reachable node from r.
Parameter sizes has size the number of vertices.

◆ get_size_subtrees() [2/2]

template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
void lal::detail::get_size_subtrees ( const tree_t & t,
const node u,
const node v,
uint64_t *const sizes )

Calculate the size of every subtree of the tree t.

tInput tree.
uParent node (the first call should be an invalid value (e.g., n+1)).
vNext node in the exploration of the tree.
sizesThe size of the subtree rooted at every reachable node from r.
Parameter sizes has size the number of vertices.

◆ has_directed_cycles() [1/2]

bool lal::detail::has_directed_cycles ( const graphs::directed_graph & g)

Returns true if, and only if, the graph has DIRECTED cycles.

gInput graph.
Whether the graph has cycles or not.

◆ has_directed_cycles() [2/2]

bool lal::detail::has_directed_cycles ( const graphs::directed_graph & g,
char *const __restrict__ vis,
char *const __restrict__ in_stack )

Returns true if, and only if, the graph has DIRECTED cycles.

gInput graph.
visArray of size 'n', where 'n' is the number of vertices of 'g'.
in_stackArray of size 'n', where 'n' is the number of vertices of 'g'.
Whether the graph has cycles or not.

◆ has_undirected_cycles() [1/2]

template<class graph_t >
bool lal::detail::has_undirected_cycles ( const graph_t & g)

Returns true if, and only if, the graph has UNDIRECTED cycles.

In case the input graph is a directed graph, reverse edges are considered.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
Whether the graph has cycles or not.

◆ has_undirected_cycles() [2/2]

template<class graph_t >
bool lal::detail::has_undirected_cycles ( const graph_t & g,
BFS< graph_t > & bfs )

Returns true if, and only if, the graph has UNDIRECTED cycles.

In case the input graph is a directed graph, reverse edges are considered.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
bfsBreadth-First Search object.
Whether the graph has cycles or not.

◆ head_initial()

template<typename result_t , class arrangement_t >
result_t lal::detail::head_initial ( const graphs::directed_graph & g,
const arrangement_t & arr )

Proposition of right branching edges in a directed graph.

Template Parameters
result_tType of return value.
arrangement_tType of arrangement.
gInput directed graph.
arrInput linear arrangement.

◆ is_bipartite()

template<class graph_t , class arrangement_t >
bool lal::detail::is_bipartite ( const graph_t & g,
const arrangement_t & arr )

Is a given arrangement bipartite?

See Types of arrangements for details on bipartite arrangements.

If the input arrangement is empty then the identity arrangement \(\pi_I\) is used.

Template Parameters
arrangement_tType of arrangement.
gInput graph.
arrInput linear arrangement.
Whether or not the input arrangement is bipartite.

◆ is_bipartite__connected()

template<class arrangement_t >
bool lal::detail::is_bipartite__connected ( const properties::bipartite_graph_coloring & c,
const arrangement_t & arr )

Is a given arrangement bipartite?

See Types of arrangements for details on bipartite arrangements.

If the input arrangement is empty then the identity arrangement \(\pi_I\) is used.

Template Parameters
arrangement_tType of arrangement.
cColoring of a bipartite graph.
arrInput linear arrangement.
Whether or not the input arrangement is bipartite.
Input arr is an arrangement of a connected bipartite graph.

◆ is_graph_a_tree()

template<class graph_t >
bool lal::detail::is_graph_a_tree ( const graph_t & g)

Is the input graph a tree?

By definition, an undirected graph is a tree if it does not contain cycles and has one single connected component. Note that isloated nodes count as single connected components. Directed graphs are allowed.

gInput graph.
True if, and only if, the graph is a tree.

◆ is_level_signature_nonincreasing()

template<class graph_t , level_signature_type t>
bool lal::detail::is_level_signature_nonincreasing ( const graph_t & g,
const level_signature< t > & levels,
const linear_arrangement & arr )

Returns true if the level sequence follows that of a maximum arrangement.

Checks whether or not the level signature is non-increasing, that is, whether the sequence of level values (in a per position distribution) is non-increasing.

This is a necessary condition for an arrangement to be maximum, as shown in [18] [39] and [7].

When the level signature is defined on a 'per position' basis, the arrangement is not needed.

Template Parameters
tLevel signature type.
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrInput arrangement.
levelssignature of the arrangement.
Whether or not the level sequence satisfies the condition.

◆ is_n_C_brute_force_lesseq_than() [1/3]

template<class graph_t >
uint64_t lal::detail::is_n_C_brute_force_lesseq_than ( const graph_t & g,
const linear_arrangement & arr,
const uint64_t upper_bound )

Returns whether the number of crossings is less than a given constant.

Given a graph \(G\) and a linear arrangements \(\pi\) of its nodes, returns the number of edge crossings \(C_{\pi}(G)\) if it is less than or equal to the given upper bound constant \(u\). In case the number of crossings is greater, returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrLinear arrangement of the nodes. When omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
upper_boundConstant (upper bound).
The number of crossings \(C\) if said number is less than or equal to the upper bound. The function returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound if otherwise.

◆ is_n_C_brute_force_lesseq_than() [2/3]

template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > lal::detail::is_n_C_brute_force_lesseq_than ( const graph_t & g,
const std::vector< linear_arrangement > & arrs,
const std::vector< uint64_t > & upper_bounds )

Returns whether the number of crossings is less than a given constant.

Given a graph \(G\) and a linear arrangements \(\pi\) of its nodes, returns the number of edge crossings \(C_{\pi}(G)\) if it is less than or equal to the given upper bound constant \(u\). In case the number of crossings is greater, returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound.

This is applied to every linear arrangement in pi. To each arrangement corresponds only one upper bound.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrsList of \(k\) linear arrangements of the nodes \(\Pi = \{\pi_i\}_{i=1}^k\). When one is omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
upper_boundsList of constants (each an upper bound).
The number of crossings \(C\) if said number is less than or equal to the upper bound. The function returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound if otherwise.

◆ is_n_C_brute_force_lesseq_than() [3/3]

template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > lal::detail::is_n_C_brute_force_lesseq_than ( const graph_t & g,
const std::vector< linear_arrangement > & arrs,
const uint64_t upper_bound )

Returns whether the number of crossings is less than a given constant.

Given a graph \(G\) and a linear arrangements \(\pi\) of its nodes, returns the number of edge crossings \(C_{\pi}(G)\) if it is less than or equal to the given upper bound constant \(u\). In case the number of crossings is greater, returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound.

This is applied to every linear arrangement in pi. The upper bound upper_bound is applied to all linear arrangements.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrsLinear arrangement of the nodes. When omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
upper_boundConstant (upper bound).
The number of crossings \(C\) if said number is less than or equal to the upper bound. The function returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound if otherwise.

◆ is_n_C_dynamic_programming_lesseq_than() [1/3]

template<class graph_t >
uint64_t lal::detail::is_n_C_dynamic_programming_lesseq_than ( const graph_t & g,
const linear_arrangement & arr,
const uint64_t upper_bound )

Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.

Given a graph \(G\) and a linear arrangements \(\pi\) of its nodes, returns the number of edge crossings \(C_{\pi}(G)\) if it is less than or equal to the given upper bound constant \(u\). In case the number of crossings is greater, returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound.

This is applied to every linear arrangement in pi. The upper bound upper_bound is applied to all linear arrangements.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrLinear arrangement of the nodes. When omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
upper_boundConstant (upper bound).
The number of crossings \(C\) if said number is less than or equal to the upper bound. The function returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound if otherwise.

◆ is_n_C_dynamic_programming_lesseq_than() [2/3]

template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > lal::detail::is_n_C_dynamic_programming_lesseq_than ( const graph_t & g,
const std::vector< linear_arrangement > & arrs,
const std::vector< uint64_t > & upper_bounds )

Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.

Given a graph \(G\) and a linear arrangements \(\pi\) of its nodes, returns the number of edge crossings \(C_{\pi}(G)\) if it is less than or equal to the given upper bound constant \(u\). In case the number of crossings is greater, returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound.

This is applied to every linear arrangement in pi. To each arrangement corresponds only one upper bound.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrsList of \(k\) linear arrangements of the nodes \(\Pi = \{\pi_i\}_{i=1}^k\). When one is omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
upper_boundsList of constants (each an upper bound).
The number of crossings \(C\) if said number is less than or equal to the upper bound. The function returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound if otherwise.

◆ is_n_C_dynamic_programming_lesseq_than() [3/3]

template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > lal::detail::is_n_C_dynamic_programming_lesseq_than ( const graph_t & g,
const std::vector< linear_arrangement > & arrs,
const uint64_t upper_bound )

Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.

Given a graph \(G\) and a linear arrangements \(\pi\) of its nodes, returns the number of edge crossings \(C_{\pi}(G)\) if it is less than or equal to the given upper bound constant \(u\). In case the number of crossings is greater, returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound.

This is applied to every linear arrangement in pi. To each arrangement corresponds only one upper bound.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrsList of \(k\) linear arrangements of the nodes \(\Pi = \{\pi_i\}_{i=1}^k\). When one is omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
upper_boundConstant (upper bound).
The number of crossings \(C\) if said number is less than or equal to the upper bound. The function returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound if otherwise.

◆ is_n_C_ladder_lesseq_than() [1/3]

template<class graph_t >
uint64_t lal::detail::is_n_C_ladder_lesseq_than ( const graph_t & g,
const linear_arrangement & arr,
const uint64_t upper_bound )

Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.

Given a graph \(G\) and a linear arrangements \(\pi\) of its nodes, returns the number of edge crossings \(C_{\pi}(G)\) if it is less than or equal to the given upper bound constant \(u\). In case the number of crossings is greater, returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrLinear arrangement of the nodes. When omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
upper_boundConstant (upper bound).
The number of crossings \(C\) if said number is less than or equal to the upper bound. The function returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound if otherwise.

◆ is_n_C_ladder_lesseq_than() [2/3]

template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > lal::detail::is_n_C_ladder_lesseq_than ( const graph_t & g,
const std::vector< linear_arrangement > & arrs,
const std::vector< uint64_t > & upper_bounds )

Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.

Given a graph \(G\) and a linear arrangements \(\pi\) of its nodes, returns the number of edge crossings \(C_{\pi}(G)\) if it is less than or equal to the given upper bound constant \(u\). In case the number of crossings is greater, returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound.

This is applied to every linear arrangement in pi. To each arrangement corresponds only one upper bound.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrsList of \(k\) linear arrangements of the nodes \(\Pi = \{\pi_i\}_{i=1}^k\). When one is omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
upper_boundsList of constants (each an upper bound).
The number of crossings \(C\) if said number is less than or equal to the upper bound. The function returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound if otherwise.

◆ is_n_C_ladder_lesseq_than() [3/3]

template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > lal::detail::is_n_C_ladder_lesseq_than ( const graph_t & g,
const std::vector< linear_arrangement > & arrs,
const uint64_t upper_bound )

Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.

Given a graph \(G\) and a linear arrangements \(\pi\) of its nodes, returns the number of edge crossings \(C_{\pi}(G)\) if it is less than or equal to the given upper bound constant \(u\). In case the number of crossings is greater, returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound.

This is applied to every linear arrangement in pi. The upper bound upper_bound is applied to all linear arrangements.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrsList of \(k\) linear arrangements of the nodes \(\Pi = \{\pi_i\}_{i=1}^k\). When one is omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
upper_boundConstant (upper bound).
The number of crossings \(C\) if said number is less than or equal to the upper bound. The function returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound if otherwise.

◆ is_n_C_stack_based_lesseq_than() [1/3]

template<class graph_t >
uint64_t lal::detail::is_n_C_stack_based_lesseq_than ( const graph_t & g,
const linear_arrangement & arr,
const uint64_t upper_bound )

Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.

Given a graph \(G\) and a linear arrangements \(\pi\) of its nodes, returns the number of edge crossings \(C_{\pi}(G)\) if it is less than or equal to the given upper bound constant \(u\). In case the number of crossings is greater, returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrLinear arrangement of the nodes. When omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
upper_boundConstant (upper bound).
The number of crossings \(C\) if said number is less than or equal to the upper bound. The function returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound if otherwise.

◆ is_n_C_stack_based_lesseq_than() [2/3]

template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > lal::detail::is_n_C_stack_based_lesseq_than ( const graph_t & g,
const std::vector< linear_arrangement > & arrs,
const std::vector< uint64_t > & upper_bounds )

Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.

Given a graph \(G\) and a linear arrangements \(\pi\) of its nodes, returns the number of edge crossings \(C_{\pi}(G)\) if it is less than or equal to the given upper bound constant \(u\). In case the number of crossings is greater, returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound.

This is applied to every linear arrangement in pi. To each arrangement corresponds only one upper bound.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrsList of \(k\) linear arrangements of the nodes \(\Pi = \{\pi_i\}_{i=1}^k\). When one is omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
upper_boundsList of constants (each an upper bound).
The number of crossings \(C\) if said number is less than or equal to the upper bound. The function returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound if otherwise.

◆ is_n_C_stack_based_lesseq_than() [3/3]

template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > lal::detail::is_n_C_stack_based_lesseq_than ( const graph_t & g,
const std::vector< linear_arrangement > & arrs,
const uint64_t upper_bound )

Fast calculation of \(C\) if it is less than or equal to an upper bound.

Given a graph \(G\) and a linear arrangements \(\pi\) of its nodes, returns the number of edge crossings \(C_{\pi}(G)\) if it is less than or equal to the given upper bound constant \(u\). In case the number of crossings is greater, returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound.

This is applied to every linear arrangement in pi. The upper bound upper_bound is applied to all linear arrangements.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrsList of \(k\) linear arrangements of the nodes \(\Pi = \{\pi_i\}_{i=1}^k\). When one is omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
upper_boundConstant (upper bound).
The number of crossings \(C\) if said number is less than or equal to the upper bound. The function returns a value strictly larger than the upper bound if otherwise.

◆ is_node_reachable_from()

template<class graph_t >
bool lal::detail::is_node_reachable_from ( const graph_t & g,
const node source,
const node target )

Is a node reachable from another?

gInput graph.
sourceNode where the search starts at.
targetThe node we want to know whether it is reachable from source or not.
True if, and only if, node target is reachable from node source.

◆ is_projective()

template<class arrangement_t >
bool lal::detail::is_projective ( const graphs::rooted_tree & rt,
const arrangement_t & arr )

Is a given arrangement projective?

See Types of arrangements for details on projective arrangements.

If the input arrangement is empty then the identity arrangement \(\pi_I\) is used.

Template Parameters
arrangement_tType of arrangement.
rtInput rooted tree
arrInput linear arrangement.
Whether or not the input rooted tree arranged with the input arrangement is projective.
The input rooted tree must be a valid rooted tree (see lal::graphs::rooted_tree::is_rooted_tree).

◆ is_root_covered()

template<class arrangement_t >
bool lal::detail::is_root_covered ( const graphs::rooted_tree & rt,
const arrangement_t & arr )

Is the root of a rooted tree covered in a given arrangement?

See Properties that can be defined in linear arrangements for details on vertex covering in an arrangement.

If the input arrangement is empty then the identity arrangement \(\pi_I\) is used.

Template Parameters
arrangement_tType of arrangement.
rtInput rooted tree
arrInput linear arrangement.
Whether or not the root is covered in the given arrangement.
The input rooted tree must be a valid rooted tree (see lal::graphs::rooted_tree::is_rooted_tree).

◆ is_thistle_vertex()

template<level_signature_type t, class graph_t >
bool lal::detail::is_thistle_vertex ( const graph_t & g,
const level_signature< t > & levels,
const node_t u,
const linear_arrangement & arr = {} )

Returns whether or not the input vertex is a thistle vertex.

Template Parameters
tLevel signature type
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrInput arrangement.
levelsLevel signature of the arrangement.
uVertex to check.
Whether or not the input vertex is a thistle.

◆ make_arrangement_permutations() [1/4]

template<class container >
void lal::detail::make_arrangement_permutations ( const graphs::free_tree & T,
node parent,
node u,
const container & data,
position & pos,
linear_arrangement & arr )

Make an arrangement using permutations.

Template Parameters
containerObject containing the permutations.
TInput rooted tree.
parentParent of node u.
uRoot of the current subtree.
dataThe permutations used to construct the arrangement.
[out]posCurrent position in the arrangement.
[out]arrArrangement constructed.

◆ make_arrangement_permutations() [2/4]

template<class container >
linear_arrangement lal::detail::make_arrangement_permutations ( const graphs::free_tree & T,
node root,
const container & data )

Make an arrangement using permutations.

Template Parameters
containerObject containing the permutations.
TInput rooted tree.
rootNode used as root.
dataThe permutations to construct the arrangement from.
The arrangement constructed with the permutations.

◆ make_arrangement_permutations() [3/4]

template<class container >
linear_arrangement lal::detail::make_arrangement_permutations ( const graphs::rooted_tree & T,
const container & data )

Make an arrangement using permutations.

Template Parameters
containerObject containing the permutations.
TInput rooted tree.
dataThe permutations to construct the arrangement from.
The arrangement constructed with the permutations.

◆ make_arrangement_permutations() [4/4]

template<class container >
void lal::detail::make_arrangement_permutations ( const graphs::rooted_tree & T,
const node r,
const container & data,
position & pos,
linear_arrangement & arr )

Make an arrangement using permutations.

Template Parameters
containerObject containing the permutations.
TInput rooted tree.
rRoot of the current subtree.
dataThe permutations used to construct the arrangement.
[out]posCurrent position in the arrangement.
[out]arrArrangement constructed.

◆ make_array()

template<typename T , T... ARGS>
std::array< T, sizeof...(ARGS)> lal::detail::make_array ( )

Make an array with the values given as parameters of the template.

Template Parameters
TType of the array
ARGSList of values to be stored in the array.

◆ make_array_with_value()

template<typename T , std::size_t array_size, T value_to_fill_with>
std::array< T, array_size > lal::detail::make_array_with_value ( )

Returns an array initialized at a given value.

Template Parameters
TType of the array's elements.
array_sizeSize of the array.
value_to_fill_withThe value to fill the array with.

◆ make_array_with_value_impl()

template<typename T , std::size_t size, T v, std::size_t... I>
std::array< T, size > lal::detail::make_array_with_value_impl ( std::index_sequence< I... > )

Implementation of lal::detail::make_array_with_value.

Function used by lal::detail::make_array_with_value().

Template Parameters
TType of the value.
sizeSize of the array.
vValue to use.
IIndex sequence.
An array of the given size where all elements are equal to v.

◆ mean_sum_edge_lengths()

template<class result_t , class graph_t , class arrangement_t >
result_t lal::detail::mean_sum_edge_lengths ( const graph_t & g,
const arrangement_t & arr )

Average sum of edge lengths in a graph.

Template Parameters
result_tType of return value.
graph_tType of graph.
arrangement_tType of arrangement.
gInput directed graph.
arrInput linear arrangement.

◆ mirror_level_signature()

template<class level_signature_t >
level_signature_t lal::detail::mirror_level_signature ( const level_signature_t & L)

Mirrors a level signature.

Template Parameters
level_signature_tLevel signature type.
LInput level signature.
A mirrored copy of the input level signature.

◆ mpq_divide_mpq()

void lal::detail::mpq_divide_mpq ( mpq_t & num,
const mpq_t & den )

Rational-Rational division.

Divide a rational \(r_1\) by another rational \(r_2\).

[out]numThe rational to be divided by \(k\). Result is \(r_1 := r_1/r_2\).
[in]denThe rational that divides the rational.

◆ mpz_divide_mpq()

void lal::detail::mpz_divide_mpq ( mpq_t & r,
const mpz_t & k )

Rational-Integer division.

Divide a rational \(r\) by an integer \(k\).

[out]rThe rational to be divided by \(k\). Result is \(r := r/k\).
[in]kThe integer that divides the rational.

◆ mpz_pow_mpz()

void lal::detail::mpz_pow_mpz ( mpz_t & r,
const mpz_t & b,
const mpz_t & e )

Computes the exponentiation of a big integer to another big integer.

Fast exponentiation algorithm.

This function has, as an exception, its output parameter as its first parameter.

[out]rResult. \(r = b^e\).

◆ n_C_brute_force() [1/2]

template<class graph_t >
uint64_t lal::detail::n_C_brute_force ( const graph_t & g,
const linear_arrangement & arr )

Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?

Given a graph, and a linear arrangement of its nodes, computes by brute force the number of edges that cross in such linear arrangement. If the arrangement is not specified, the identity arrangement is used.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrLinear arrangement of the nodes. When omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
The number of crossings \(C\).

◆ n_C_brute_force() [2/2]

template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > lal::detail::n_C_brute_force ( const graph_t & g,
const std::vector< linear_arrangement > & arrs )

Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?

Given a graph, and a linear arrangement of its nodes, computes by brute force the number of edges that cross in such linear arrangement. If the arrangement is not specified, the identity arrangement is used.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrsList of \(k\) linear arrangements of the nodes \(\Pi = \{\pi_i\}_{i=1}^k\). When one is omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
A list \(L\) where \(L_i = C_{\pi_i}(g)\).
None of the arrangements is empty.

◆ n_C_dynamic_programming() [1/2]

template<class graph_t >
uint64_t lal::detail::n_C_dynamic_programming ( const graph_t & g,
const linear_arrangement & arr )

Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?

Given a graph, and a linear arrangement of its nodes, computes by brute force the number of edges that cross in such linear arrangement. If the arrangement is not specified, the identity arrangement is used.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrLinear arrangement of the nodes. When omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
The number of crossings \(C\).

◆ n_C_dynamic_programming() [2/2]

template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > lal::detail::n_C_dynamic_programming ( const graph_t & g,
const std::vector< linear_arrangement > & arrs )

Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?

Given a graph, and a linear arrangement of its nodes, computes by brute force the number of edges that cross in such linear arrangement. If the arrangement is not specified, the identity arrangement is used.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrsList of \(k\) linear arrangements of the nodes \(\Pi = \{\pi_i\}_{i=1}^k\). When one is omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
A list \(L\) where \(L_i = C_{\pi_i}(g)\).
None of the arrangements is empty.

◆ n_C_ladder() [1/2]

template<class graph_t >
uint64_t lal::detail::n_C_ladder ( const graph_t & g,
const linear_arrangement & arr )

Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?

Given a graph, and a linear arrangement of its nodes, computes by brute force the number of edges that cross in such linear arrangement. If the arrangement is not specified, the identity arrangement is used.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrLinear arrangement of the nodes. When omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
The number of crossings \(C\).

◆ n_C_ladder() [2/2]

template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > lal::detail::n_C_ladder ( const graph_t & g,
const std::vector< linear_arrangement > & arrs )

Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?

Given a graph, and a linear arrangement of its nodes, computes by brute force the number of edges that cross in such linear arrangement. If the arrangement is not specified, the identity arrangement is used.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrsList of \(k\) linear arrangements of the nodes \(\Pi = \{\pi_i\}_{i=1}^k\). When one is omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
A list \(L\) where \(L_i = C_{\pi_i}(g)\).
None of the arrangements is empty.

◆ n_C_stack_based() [1/2]

template<class graph_t >
uint64_t lal::detail::n_C_stack_based ( const graph_t & g,
const linear_arrangement & arr )

Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?

Given a graph, and a linear arrangement of its nodes, computes by brute force the number of edges that cross in such linear arrangement. If the arrangement is not specified, the identity arrangement is used.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrA linear arrangement of the nodes. When omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
The number of crossings \(C\).

◆ n_C_stack_based() [2/2]

template<class graph_t >
std::vector< uint64_t > lal::detail::n_C_stack_based ( const graph_t & g,
const std::vector< linear_arrangement > & arrs )

Is the number of crossings in the linear arrangement less than a constant?

Given a graph, and a linear arrangement of its nodes, computes by brute force the number of edges that cross in such linear arrangement. If the arrangement is not specified, the identity arrangement is used.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrsList of \(k\) linear arrangements of the nodes \(\Pi = \{\pi_i\}_{i=1}^k\). When one is omitted, \(\pi_I\) is used.
A list \(L\) where \(L_i = C_{\pi_i}(g)\).
None of the arrangements is empty.

◆ no_two_adjacent_vertices_have_same_level()

template<class graph_t , level_signature_type t>
bool lal::detail::no_two_adjacent_vertices_have_same_level ( const graph_t & g,
const level_signature< t > & levels,
const linear_arrangement & arr )

Returns true if no two adjacent vertices (in the graph) have the same level value.

Checks that no edge \(uv\in E(G)\) is such that \(l_{\pi}(u) = l_{\pi}(v)\). This is a necessary condition for an arrangement to be maximum (in sum of edge lengths), as shown in [18] [39] and [7].

When the level signature is defined on a 'per vertex' basis, the arrangement is not needed.

Template Parameters
tLevel signature type.
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrInput arrangement.
levelssignature of the arrangement.
Whether or not the level sequence satisfies the condition.

◆ no_vertex_in_antenna_is_thistle()

template<class graph_t , level_signature_type t>
bool lal::detail::no_vertex_in_antenna_is_thistle ( const graph_t & g,
const std::vector< properties::branchless_path > & bps,
const level_signature< t > & levels,
const linear_arrangement & arr )

Returns true if none of the vertices in the antennas of the graph is a thistle.

Checks that no vertex in any antenna of the tree is a thistle vertex in the input arrangement. This is a necessary condition for an arrangement to be maximum (in sum of edge lengths), as shown in [7].

When the level signature is defined on a 'per vertex' basis, the arrangement is not needed.

Template Parameters
tLevel signature type.
graph_tType of graph.
gInput graph.
arrInput arrangement.
levelssignature of the arrangement.
bpsAll Branchless Paths of the tree.
Whether or not the level sequence satisfies the condition.

◆ operate_power() [1/2]

void lal::detail::operate_power ( mpq_t & r,
const mpz_t & p )

Power operation.

Raise a rational value \(r\) to a certain power \(p\).

[out]rRational value. Result is \(r = r^p\).

◆ operate_power() [2/2]

void lal::detail::operate_power ( mpq_t & r,
uint64_t p )

Power operation.

Raise a rational value \(r\) to a certain power \(p\).

[out]rRational value. Result is \(r = r^p\).

◆ predict_C_using_edge_lengths()

template<typename result_t , class graph_t , class arrangement_t >
result_t lal::detail::predict_C_using_edge_lengths ( const graph_t & g,
const arrangement_t & arr )

Predicted number of crossings based on the sum of edge lengths.

See [22] for further details. This functions implements \(E_2[C]\).

Template Parameters
result_tType of the return value.
graph_tType of graph.
arrangement_tType of arrangement.
gInput graph.
arrInput arrangement.
The value of \(E_2[C]\).

◆ retrieve_centre()

template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
std::pair< node, node > lal::detail::retrieve_centre ( const tree_t & t,
const node X )

Calculate the centre of the connected component that has node x.

See Centre and centroid of a tree for details on what the centre of a tree is.

A graph of type lal::graphs::tree may lack some edges tree so it has several connected components. Vertex x belongs to one of these connected components.

This method finds the central nodes of the connected components node 'x' belongs to.

Template Parameters
tree_ttype of tree.
tInput tree.
XInput node.
Input tree t may be a forest.
A tuple of the two nodes in the centre. If the tree has a single central node, only the first node is valid and the second is assigned an invalid vertex index. It is guaranteed that the first vertex has smaller index value than the second.

◆ retrieve_centroid()

template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
std::pair< node, node > lal::detail::retrieve_centroid ( const tree_t & t,
const node x = 0 )

Calculate the centroid of the connected component that has node x.

For details on the parameters and return value see documentation of the function above.

Template Parameters
tree_tType of tree.
tInput tree
xNode belonging to a connected component whose centroid we want.
A tuple of two values: the nodes in the centroid. If the tree has a single centroidal node, only the first node is valid and the second is assigned an invalid vertex index. It is guaranteed that the first vertex has smaller index value than the second.

◆ right_branching_edges()

template<class arrangement_t >
uint64_t lal::detail::right_branching_edges ( const graphs::directed_graph & g,
const arrangement_t & arr )

Number of right branching edges in a directed graph.

Template Parameters
arrangement_tType of arrangement.
gInput directed graph.
arrInput linear arrangement.

◆ set_edges()

template<class graph_t >
std::vector< edge > lal::detail::set_edges ( const graph_t & g)

Enumerate the set of edges of the input graph g.

gInput graph.
A vector with all g's edges.

◆ set_pairs_independent_edges()

template<class graph_t >
std::vector< edge_pair > lal::detail::set_pairs_independent_edges ( const graph_t & g,
const uint64_t qs )

Enumerate the set of pairs of independent edges of the input graph g.

gInput graph.
qsTotal amount of pairs of independent edges.
A vector with all g's pairs of independent edges.

◆ sum_edge_lengths()

template<class graph_t , class arrangement_t >
uint64_t lal::detail::sum_edge_lengths ( const graph_t & g,
const arrangement_t & arr )

Sum of edge lengths in a graph.

Template Parameters
graph_tType of graph.
arrangement_tType of arrangement.
gInput directed graph.
arrInput linear arrangement.

◆ syntactic_dependency_tree_to_string()

std::string_view lal::detail::syntactic_dependency_tree_to_string ( const linarr::syntactic_dependency_tree_type & tt)

Converts a value of the enumeration lal::linarr::syntactic_dependency_tree_type into a string.

◆ tree_diameter()

template<class tree_t , std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< graphs::tree, tree_t >, bool > = true>
uint64_t lal::detail::tree_diameter ( const tree_t & t,
const node x )

Calculate the diameter of a tree.

See Diameter of a tree for details on the definition of the diameter of a tree.

The diameter of the connected component to which node x belongs to.

Template Parameters
tree_tType of tree.
tInput tree.
xInput node.
The diameter of the tree.

◆ update_unionfind_after_add_edge()

template<class tree_t >
void lal::detail::update_unionfind_after_add_edge ( const tree_t & t,
const node u,
const node v,
node *const root_of,
uint64_t *const root_size )

Update the Union-Find data structure after the addition of an edge.

This function updates the Union-Find data structure of a tree after the addition of an edge between vertices u and v.

Template Parameters
tree_tType of input tree. A derived class of lal::graphs::free_tree or a derived class of lal::graphs::rooted_tree.
tInput tree
root_ofPointer to an array where root_of[s] = t if the root of the connected component of s is t
root_sizeSizes of each connected component.
The edge \(\{u,v\}\) must exist.

◆ update_unionfind_after_add_edges()

template<class tree_t >
void lal::detail::update_unionfind_after_add_edges ( const tree_t & t,
const edge_list & edges,
node *const root_of,
uint64_t *const root_size )

Update the Union-Find data structure after the addition of several edges.

Template Parameters
tree_tType of tree
tInput tree
edgesEdges added to the tree
root_ofPointer to an array where root_of[s] = t if the root of the connected component of s is t
root_sizeSizes of each connected component.
The edge \(\{u,v\}\) must exist.

◆ update_unionfind_after_add_rem_edges_bulk()

template<class tree_t >
void lal::detail::update_unionfind_after_add_rem_edges_bulk ( const tree_t & t,
node *const root_of,
uint64_t *const root_size )

Update the Union-Find data structure after several edges have been operated in bulk.

Template Parameters
tree_tType of tree
tInput tree
root_ofPointer to an array where root_of[s] = t if the root of the connected component of s is t
root_sizeSizes of each connected component.
The edge \(\{u,v\}\) must exist.

◆ update_unionfind_after_remove_edge()

template<class tree_t >
void lal::detail::update_unionfind_after_remove_edge ( const tree_t & t,
const node u,
const node v,
node *const root_of,
uint64_t *const root_size )

Updates Union-Find after the removal of an edge.

This function updates the Union-Find data structure of a tree after the removal of the edge between vertices u and v.

Template Parameters
tree_tType of input tree. A derived class of lal::graphs::free_tree or a derived class of lal::graphs::rooted_tree.
tInput tree
root_ofPointer to an array where root_of[s] = t if the root of the connected component of s is t
root_sizeSizes of each connected component.
The edge \(\{u,v\}\) must exist.

◆ update_unionfind_after_remove_edges()

template<class tree_t >
void lal::detail::update_unionfind_after_remove_edges ( const tree_t & t,
const edge_list & edges,
node *const root_of,
uint64_t *const root_size )

Update the Union-Find data structure after the addition of several edges.

Template Parameters
tree_tType of input tree. A derived class of lal::graphs::free_tree or a derived class of lal::graphs::rooted_tree.
tInput tree
edgesEdges added to the tree
root_ofPointer to an array where root_of[s] = t if the root of the connected component of s is t
root_sizeSizes of each connected component.
The edge \(\{u,v\}\) must exist.

◆ update_unionfind_before_remove_edges_incident_to() [1/2]

template<class tree_t >
void lal::detail::update_unionfind_before_remove_edges_incident_to ( BFS< tree_t > & bfs,
const node v,
node *const root_of,
uint64_t *const root_size )

Update Union-Find after the removal of a vertex.

This function updates the Union-Find data structure of a tree prior to the removal of the edge (u,v).

In particular, it updates the information associated to the vertices found in the direction (u,v).

Template Parameters
tree_tType of input tree. A derived class of lal::graphs::free_tree or a derived class of lal::graphs::rooted_tree.
bfsBreadth-First Search object.
vNode to be removed.
root_ofPointer to an array where root_of[s] = t if the root of the connected component of s is t
root_sizeSizes of each connected component.

◆ update_unionfind_before_remove_edges_incident_to() [2/2]

template<typename tree_t >
void lal::detail::update_unionfind_before_remove_edges_incident_to ( const tree_t & t,
const node u,
node *const root_of,
uint64_t *const root_size )

Update Union-Find after a vertex removal.

This function updates the Union-Find data structure of a tree prior to the removal of the edge (u,v).

In particular, it updates the information associated to the vertices found in the direction (u,v).

Template Parameters
tree_tType of input tree. A derived class of lal::graphs::free_tree or a derived class of lal::graphs::rooted_tree.
tInput tree.
uNode to be removed.
root_ofPointer to an array where root_of[s] = t if the root of the connected component of s is t
root_sizeSizes of each connected component.